This Witch Transmigrated into the Romantic Novel's Supporting Role - C.195: The Spirit


Chu Yang came out of the room and saw him staring at the incense burner. She asked, "How is it? Does it smell good? How do you feel?"

Chi Yan walked over, leaned in, and took a deep sniff, then sneezed.

Chu Yang laughed, "Who told you to smell it like that?"

Chi Yan rubbed his nose, "I feel much more refreshed and calm overall. The scent is nice too. It's quite strong up close."

Chu Yang said, "You don't need to smell it up close. Didn't you feel better as soon as you entered the room?"

Chi Yan nodded, "Mm-hmm. Is this what you've been working on these past few days? What's it made of?"

"I'm afraid if I tell you, you won't dare to smell it anymore. Don't ask!"

Chi Yan didn't press the issue. He lay down on the sofa, closed his eyes, crossed his legs, and felt extremely relaxed.

Chu Yang added, "After dinner, you can sit and meditate for a bit. You should sleep better tonight too. I'll give you some to take to the office tomorrow."


The next day, Chi Yan brought the incense to the office and instructed his assistant to light it in his office. The assistant did as told.

From then on, everyone who entered Chi Yan's office caught a whiff of the subtle fragrance and felt instantly calmer. Even the hot-tempered PR manager paused when he came in, took a deep breath, and spoke much more softly when he left.

His subordinates were puzzled.

"Why isn't Manager Li losing his temper today?"

"We used to hear him yelling every day."

"I heard constant anger is bad for your health. Manager Li's face always looked dark before."

"Well, the PR department is under a lot of pressure."

"I just heard him talking to Mei, and his voice was so gentle. Did something good happen today?"

"Maybe his wife is pregnant with their second child."

"Nonsense! I saw his wife last week, she's not pregnant."

That evening when Manager Li returned home, his wife Peng Ying was astonished to hear him humming a tune. "Old Li, did something good happen today? Did you win the lottery?"

"No, why?"

"You were just humming!"

"What's wrong with humming? Am I not allowed to hum?"

"No, it's just that you usually come home looking as black as thunder."


"What exactly happened?"

Manager Li thought about it. "Oh? Today my temper did seem much better. Come to think of it, I felt calmer after leaving the Young Master's office. Oh, there was a certain scent in his office."

Peng Ying figured it must be some expensive item that rich people buy, something their middle-class household could never afford.

"Next time, try to spend more time in the Young Master's office then."

"We'll see. I'm busy, you know."

For several days in a row, Chi Yan was surrounded by the fragrance both at home and at the office, until his whole body carried the scent.

Lately, he felt that everything was going more smoothly. His headaches were gone, and he fell asleep easily at night, waking up feeling refreshed. No wonder—it was made by his dear Yang Yang, of course it was good!

The collaboration Chi Yan had been discussing with President Su came to fruition. President Su brought his team to Chi Yan's office to sign the contract.

President Su arrived with his wife Wen Rong and three assistants in tow.

Chi Yan quickly stood up from his seat to welcome them. "President Su, you're here. Please, have a seat."

As soon as Wen Rong entered, she smelled a very pleasant fragrance. She suddenly felt clear-headed, and her chest tightness disappeared. She had always suffered from migraines due to chronic insomnia, leaving her constantly drained. She usually wore thick makeup when going out to hide it.

Although her beauty had faded, she was fortunate to have married a good man who took care of her and helped her find doctors.

She had come this time to see a doctor. The doctor had examined her and prescribed medication, but it only treated the symptoms, not the root cause. She had been disappointed so many times that she hardly felt disappointed anymore.

While President Su, Chi Yan, and the others were discussing the collaboration, Wen Rong surveyed the office. She noticed an exquisite little incense burner on the desk, with a thin wisp of smoke spiraling upward.

The scent in the office must be coming from that incense.

After the signing was complete and Chi Yan was escorting them out of the company, Wen Rong glanced at him. She noticed that the young man carried the same pleasant scent as his office.

After they left, Wen Rong didn't think much more about it.

However, that evening, she felt sleepy by 9 PM. At 10 PM, when Su Quanjin entered the bedroom, he found his wife sound asleep and even snoring lightly. How could she be sleeping so well? He wondered if he should ask the hotel about their mattresses tomorrow.

But wait, they had been staying here for days. Why was she suddenly sleeping so well tonight?

Unable to figure it out, Su Quanjin went to sleep as well.

The next morning, Wen Rong felt she had slept incredibly well. It had been a long time since she'd had such a good night's sleep.

What was going on?

Su Quanjin also remarked, "Darling, you slept very soundly last night."

Wen Rong tidied her hair, "I felt it too. I feel so much more energetic, and my head didn't hurt last night either."

After a moment, she added, "Did you notice the scent when we entered the office at Chi Corporation yesterday? I felt so calm all of a sudden."

Su Quanjin thought for a moment. "I think so. I was focused on the collaboration, so I didn't pay much attention. But now that you mention it, I remember."

"I noticed that Manager Chi had incense burning in his office. Could that be the reason?"

Su Quanjin pondered, "Some incense does have a calming effect. When we get back home, I'll have someone buy some for you to try."


Chu Yang hadn't made much incense; it was all used up within half a month.

But Chi Yan's body had absorbed the scent, so even without burning incense, he still carried that fragrance. No matter how busy or troubled things got, Chi Yan's headaches never returned.

"I feel like I've not only become more energetic lately, but also more detached from desires," Chi Yan said glumly.

Chu Yang pinched his face. "You still dare to say you're indifferent to desires?" Every time he was as fierce as a wild beast, the big pervert! How dare he try to blame it on the perfume she made?

Chi Yan: "But we haven't done it for a week." He felt that his little Chi Yan had become much more behaved.

...Hadn't they not done it for a week because she was on her period? Besides, this guy had been busy with work.

She had just finished, and he was already thinking about it?

Chu Yang pulled up the blanket to cover herself, ignoring him.

Chi Yan leaned in closer, "Why don't you help me take a look?" He grabbed her hand.

Chu Yang spat out a "Tsk!" and pulled her hand back. "Dream on! Go to sleep."

"Don't you love me anymore?"

"I don't!"

"I know you love me the most! If you won't come to me, should I come to you?"


