This Witch Transmigrated into the Romantic Novel's Supporting Role - C.189: Play 02


The days passed uneventfully for a week, and then Chi Yan received an invitation from Ji Si, the young master of the Ji Family, who had heard that Chi Yan was a skilled driver and invited him to join their private racing and recreational activities.

"I've also invited Hou Sheng, Zhang Yuan, and others. You can bring some friends and join us."

Originally, Chi Yan wanted to decline Ji Si's invitation, but then he thought he might as well see what they were up to, so he accepted. He also planned to bring Chu Yang along, as he had promised to take her racing before, but hadn't had the chance.

"Chu Yang, would you like to accompany me to a private gathering this weekend? I said I'd take you racing before, so let's go racing this time."

Chu Yang was working on her thesis and didn't look up. "Sure!"

Chi Yan was delighted. "I'll get some clothes ready for you."

Chu Yang waved her hand dismissively, indicating he shouldn't hover around her as she was quite busy with assignments and exams recently.

On the weekend, Chi Yan drove Chu Yang to a club where Hou Sheng (also known as Monkey) and Zhang Yuan had already messaged him to say they had arrived, and Xiao Lin and Yuan Zhi had been called over too.

When Chi Yan led Chu Yang inside holding her hand, everyone instantly looked their way, with many people sizing Chu Yang up. Chu Yang felt two people's gazes lingering on her, but they quickly averted their eyes when she glanced over.

One was a young man and the other a young woman, both strangers to Chu Yang.

Chi Yan introduced Chu Yang to everyone, "This is my girlfriend, Chu Yang." He then introduced the others to her, "This is Hou Sheng, the one who live-streamed me racing before, you can call him Monkey. This is Zhang Yuan, Xiao Lin... and you know Yuan Zhi."

Chu Yang nodded in acknowledgment to each of them.

Then Chi Yan introduced Ji Si to her. Ji Si extended his hand to Chu Yang, "Hello, I'm Ji Si, the 'Si' from 'judicial'."

Chu Yang shook his hand lightly and immediately withdrew it. "Hello."

After the introductions, Ji Si led Chi Yan away, "Let's have the guys play a round first? Just something casual to get familiar with the track."

"Sure," Chi Yan agreed nonchalantly.

The men then went to change clothes, leaving Chu Yang sitting alone. Ji Ke glanced at Chu Yang, unable to discern any special qualities about her. She approached Chu Yang and asked politely, "Miss Chu, may I sit beside you?"

Chu Yang nodded. "As you wish."

Ji Ke sat down and inquired, "May I ask which university Miss Chu attends?"

"A University," Chu Yang replied.

Ji Ke laughed lightly. "What a coincidence, my second brother graduated from A University as well, just a year ago."

Chu Yang smiled without responding.

The girl beside Ji Ke rolled her eyes and suddenly asked, "If I may ask, Miss Chu, which renowned family are you from? I don't recall hearing of a Chu Family in the capital city."

Chu Yang gave her a piercing glance that sent a chill down the girl's spine. What was that about?

Without a word, Chu Yang took a sanitary pad from her bag and handed it to the girl.

The girl blinked in confusion. "I... uh..." She was about to say she didn't need it, but her face changed, and she hastily accepted it. "Thank you, excuse me for a moment." She hurried away, deeply embarrassed.

Ji Ke watched in bewilderment. What just happened?

She quickly regained her composure and said with a smile, "Zhen Zhen didn't mean any offense."

Chu Yang didn't seem bothered. "I'm not from any renowned Chu Family. According to my ancestors, we descended from the ancient State of Chu during the Warring States period. Some of my ancestors even ruled as emperors back then. But that was ages ago, and we've fallen from grace since. Anyway, we're just the Chu Family, nothing special."

Whether it's the Ji Family, the Chi Family, the Lin Family, the Zhang Family, or any other renowned clan - didn't all their ancestors have to be influential figures to have their lineages survive until today?

Ji Ke thought Chu Yang was making a tasteless joke. "Heh heh..."

Soon, Chi Yan and the others emerged in their racing suits. Chi Yan hurried over when he saw Ji Ke sitting in his spot beside Chu Yang and squeezed her aside. "Chu Yang, how do I look? Handsome, right?"

Ji Ke, nearly falling over from being shoved aside, thought indignantly, Don't you have any manners?

She walked over to Ji Si's side. Her father had talked about an alliance through marriage? With that lout? Not a chance.

Chu Yang appraised Chi Yan and patted his cheek. "Handsome!"

Chi Yan grinned widely, showing his teeth. Ji Si turned and saw Chi Yan's goofy smile. Is that really Chi Yan?

"I'll go play a round first, and teach you how to drive later," Chi Yan told Chu Yang.


After exchanging those words with Chu Yang, Chi Yan went to take his place. He put on his helmet, got into the car, and the others followed suit.

When the referee blew the whistle, several cars sped off. Chu Yang took out her phone to record a video of Chi Yan.

The black car initially lagged behind but soon overtook two cars in front within a lap. It then rapidly caught up to the car in first place.

After another lap and a half, the black car took a sharp turn and surpassed the white car in front, becoming the new leader. Half a minute later, Chi Yan's black car crossed the finish line, and he removed his helmet, giving Chu Yang a thumbs-up.

Chu Yang smiled and returned the gesture.

Soon, everyone had reached the finish line. Ji Si approached Chi Yan. "I'd heard you were an excellent racer, but seeing it for myself today was something else. Impressive."

Chi Yan remained modest. "It's nothing, I've just had a lot of practice."

The others also gathered around Chi Yan, seeking advice on some racing techniques.

Chi Yan only interrupted them when Chu Yang walked over. "Enough questions, we'll talk about it later. I'm going to take my girl for a spin first."

Chi Yan patted the passenger seat, inviting Chu Yang, "Coming along?"

Chu Yang glanced at the car. "Let me change my clothes first."

"Sure, I'll wait for you."

Shortly after, Chu Yang emerged in a black racing suit matching Chi Yan's, her hair tied back. She got into the car and fastened her seatbelt.

Chi Yan immediately sped off.

Exhilarating! That was Chu Yang's impression.

After two laps, Chi Yan asked her, "How's it going? Are you okay?"

Chu Yang's eyes sparkled. "Not bad."

"Let's switch places, and you can take the wheel for a bit."


Chi Yan then guided Chu Yang through operating the vehicle...

Over there, the monkey was talking to Zhang Yuan and the others, "In the past, Brother Yan wouldn't even let girls touch his car, but after getting a girlfriend, he's not only letting her touch it, but also letting her drive it? Tsk tsk tsk!"

Yuan Zhi said, "What's the big deal about touching a car? You haven't seen anything really surprising yet."

The monkey sidled up to Yuan Zhi, gossiping, "What else? What else?"

Yuan Zhi replied, "What else? Boyfriends and girlfriends, what can't they touch?"

The monkey's thoughts instantly turned mischievous, "I see, heh heh heh."

On Chu Yang's side, she first tried driving around a circle, finding it not too bad. Then she accelerated and drove around two more circles, her eyes sparkling the whole time, making Chi Yan beside her feel like she was glowing.

