This Witch Transmigrated into the Romantic Novel's Supporting Role - C.171: You Are Too Weak


Chu Yang soon arrived at her station. As soon as she exited, she was met with bright sunshine - it was quite hot. Chu Yang first went to the bus station to catch a ride, then transferred to get home. When she arrived home, there was no one there, and no one answered when she knocked on the door.

Chu Yang tried the key she had with her and managed to open the front door and enter. She surveyed the courtyard, then entered the living room with its sofa, television, and air conditioner.

The first thing Chu Yang did was turn on the air conditioning to get some airflow, since it was so hot.

Before long, she heard voices coming from outside, "It must be Yang Yang coming back. Yang Yang?" Chu Yang hurried out to find a man and a woman, each carrying a basket on their back, returning home.

"Dad, Mom," Chu Yang called out. These were her parents.

"Ah, I almost forgot you were coming back today. Just wait a bit, I'll go make you something to eat. There's fruit in the baskets, you can have some first," her mother said, setting down her basket before heading to the kitchen to cook.

Chu's Dad did the same.


Chu Yang ate the noodles made by Chu's Mom while listening to Chu's Dad and Chu's Mom tell her about this year's bountiful harvest, how the peach trees were laden with large, sweet fruit that sold very well at market.

"Should we send some things to Chi Yan in a couple of days?" Chu's Mom asked.

Chu Yang was briefly confused, remembering this was likely an annual occurrence, so she nodded, "Sure, in a couple of days."

"Okay. I thought Chi Yan might come this year too."

Chu Yang didn't say anything to avoid raising suspicions.

Her parents only mentioned it in passing. Once Chu Yang had eaten her fill, they went about their business, leaving Chu Yang alone at home. She wandered through the whole house to re-familiarize herself with her family home, lest she give away her memory loss - her family was unaware of her condition.

In Jing City, at the Chi Family residence.

With Chu Yang having returned home, Chi Yan felt rather dejected, lacking energy despite being at home. Even when his brothers invited him out, he had no desire to go. Noticing his mood, Chi Xin called him to the study.

"Do you know why you lost your memory?" Chi Xin asked directly.

Chi Yan shook his head, "How would I know? I don't remember."

Chi Xin shook his head, "Because you're too weak. Look at me, your uncle - I always have people around me, no one can harm me. But you, just an ordinary college student - you may have fighting skills but can't fend off multiple assailants. You have no power or money. I had you intern to help you grow..."

Chi Yan interjected, "I have money." He received dividends from the Chi Family fortune.

Chi Xin held up his little finger, "Just a tiny bit."

Chi Yan rolled his eyes - that was not a tiny bit!

Chi Xin continued, "So you need to become stronger. You know the young master of the Lin Family, right? He started managing a company at 24, a PhD graduate from a prestigious university. Look at yourself."

Chi Yan protested, "I'm only 20."

Chi Xin sighed, "Why don't you understand? No matter your age, one must be powerful to protect those around them. Think about your little girlfriend - if you were powerful enough, always having people around you, so formidable that no one dared provoke you, then neither of you would have lost your memories, understand?"

Chi Yan nodded, "So?"

Chi Xin patted his head, "So you'll work at the company this summer to gain experience, very different from studying. You'll take on major responsibilities to cultivate yourself."

Chi Yan considered this, "Got it, I'll go to the company tomorrow."

Chi Xin nodded approvingly, "The child is teachable."

The next day, Chi Yan woke early, donning a suit and tie. Looking at his reflection, his eyes shone with determination. His uncle made sense - had he been stronger, perhaps neither of them would have lost their memories.

"Recently, the gaming division has been preparing for a new project. How about taking this on to practice?" Chairman Chi Bai said to his young grandson.

Chi Yan nodded, "Sure, I'll work hard."

Chairman Chi Bai summoned the gaming division manager. "Jian Cheng, the division manager - you'll be his vice manager and mentor. Jian Cheng, train him well."

"Yes, Chairman."

The new project was developing a new game, though nothing was decided yet. So in the following days, Chi Yan accompanied Jian Cheng to meetings, providing input, making decisions, attending more meetings, offering suggestions, more decisions...

He frequently had to field questions from employees as well.

"Vice President, we're introducing a female boss monster and selected a few candidates - please take a look?"

Chi Yan was shown four options: Nine-Tailed Fox Demon, Dragon Lady of the East Sea, Dark Elf, and Goddess of Light. Reminded of Chu Yang by the dark elf, he pointed, "This one."

"Got it. We were leaning towards that one too."

The game they were making was a fantasy role-playing game with elves, witches, dwarves, gods of light and so on. Beyond raiding dungeons, it had competitive player-vs-player combat, home building, marriage and childrearing, and more. Fashion designers were even involved in costume design.


With this new project, Chi Yan became extremely busy, often unable to leave work on time and sometimes staying up until dawn. But his abilities grew tremendously as well.

"Young Master, you have a package," the butler said one night when Chi Yan arrived home around 10 PM.

"What package?" Chi Yan wasn't expecting anything.

"It's from Jiazhou."

"Jiazhou? Where's that?" Then Chi Yan realized it must be from Chu Yang, the only person he knew in Jiazhou.

Opening the package revealed a box of fruit. Chi Yan smiled - though exhausted from work, all his fatigue melted away.

He washed a piece of fruit and took a big bite - so sweet. Not just the fruit but his heart felt sweet too.

After having the butler put the fruit away properly, Chi Yan returned to his room and messaged Chu Yang, "Awake?"

Of course Chu Yang was still up, researching ways to cure their memory loss.


"Want to video chat?"


Chi Yan immediately called, his heart softening at the sight of Chu Yang.

He rambled about receiving the sweet fruit, how tired he was from his new job at the company but also how rewarding it felt. He spoke about everything and anything.

Chu Yang just listened quietly on her end.

Before long, Chi Yan's voice trailed off as he dozed off, slumped over from sheer exhaustion.

Chu Yang didn't disturb him, simply hanging up in silence.

As soon as she ended the call, Chu Yang picked up her book and turned the page, immediately drawn to a new spell that allowed using a crystal ball to view flashbacks of past events, though only brief snippets. For Chu Yang, that was more than enough.

She immediately took out her crystal ball and began testing the spell, channeling her magic power while chanting the incantation. Soon, the crystal ball showed a scene of her and Chi Yan holding hands while queuing up, likely at an amusement park judging by the surroundings. They appeared to be lining up for the ferris wheel, Chi Yan's ears reddening as he thought about something.

The vision quickly faded.

Chu Yang opened her eyes, clutching her chest...

