This Witch Transmigrated into the Romantic Novel's Supporting Role - C.128: Return to China


After paying homage to the Witch, Sophia led them deep into the forest, where they came across a castle, covered in ivy and abandoned for a long time, with its iron gates rusted.

Sophia pushed open the iron gates with a creaking sound, then led Chu Yang and Chi Yan into the castle. Though dilapidated, its former grandeur was still discernible.

They passed through a small door into the interior, which felt ancient and musty, yet remarkably preserved.

A spiraling wooden staircase ascended before them, vanishing upwards into an eerie abyss.

"Follow me," Sophia gestured to Chu Yang and Chi Yan, and the three climbed up, the creaking wooden stairs echoing with an ominous sound reminiscent of a horror film.

After ascending several floors, they entered a room where Sophia rotated a lamp, revealing a hidden chamber filled with an enormous collection of books, some exceedingly ancient, with texts that even Chu Yang could not decipher, let alone Chi Yan.

Sophia scanned the shelves and retrieved a few volumes, handing them to Chu Yang. Two were indecipherable to her, but the rest contained texts of Witchcraft.

Titles like 'The Dark Witch', 'Dark Poisons', 'Black Magic', and other sinister tomes contrasted with the lighter subjects in Sophia's own library.

"Once you've mastered these, no one in this world should be able to harm you," Sophia declared.

Chu Yang looked puzzled, and Sophia added, "I've foreseen a man who wishes to harm you. Don't disgrace the Witch Clan; such scum should be easily defeated."

Chu Yang: ...

Sophia probably thought her abilities were lacking.

Sophia then retrieved a box containing a black Witch Robe, its wide sleeves and hood preserved remarkably well, imbued with spells.

"This is a Witch Robe, now yours. You are the heir of the Witch Clan; never bring us shame," Sophia said gravely.

Chu Yang nodded solemnly, "Yes."

After gathering their materials, they departed.

Surprisingly, the castle housed such relics deep in the forest. Others had stumbled upon it before, but none could enter.

They returned to Sophia's house at noon, and Chi Yan quickly prepared lunch, while Chu Yang consulted Sophia about the two indecipherable books.

"One is a dictionary, the other chronicles Forbidden Witchcraft, which I hope you never need to use," Sophia explained.

Understanding its gravity, Chu Yang assured, "Of course, I'll never use it."

Chu Yang subsequently discussed many topics with Sophia until Chi Yan served their meal: steak, fruit salad, and bread.

After eating, Chu Yang and Chi Yan retreated to their room to rest.

They spent four days at Sophia's, venturing out occasionally but mostly with Chu Yang learning Witchcraft from Sophia while Chi Yan, unable to understand, either listened or wandered outside, helping Sophia with her gardening.

In the evenings, a raven often visited, and Chu Yang would feed it bread.

On the fifth morning, Chu Yang and Chi Yan bid farewell to Sophia. Chu Yang embraced her, then departed with Chi Yan, carrying the crystal ball, books, and Witch Robe gifted by Sophia.

Chu Yang had a vague feeling they might never meet again.

Leaving the village, they returned to the city center, where Chi Yan took Chu Yang sightseeing before catching their evening flight home.

At 8 PM local time, they finally departed for their homeland, arriving the next afternoon at Chi Yan's residence. Chu Yang stored her books and belongings there, and after freshening up, they dined, having missed local cuisine after days of Western fare.

After dinner, Chu Yang practiced with the crystal ball, foreseeing a massive rainstorm the next day due to an impending typhoon.

Chu Yang then opened her Weibo account and announced: "Resuming business operations from now on."

Likes flooded in, with fans celebrating her return. Clients also inquired about her divination services, and Chu Yang soon found herself inundated with work, the crystal ball flickering incessantly as Chi Yan idly watched, bored.

To pass the time, Chi Yan sketched Chu Yang "at work" and later framed and hung the portrait in their room.

After "working," Chu Yang opened the book 'The Witch Clan' gifted by Sophia, immersing herself in the history and development of Witches, from their origins to their golden age. Some texts were indecipherable even to Chu Yang, let alone Chi Yan.

As Chu Yang read, engrossed, Chi Yan playfully poked her hand and side until she finally looked up.

"What is it?" Chu Yang asked.

Chi Yan pointed to the clock. "Chu Yang, it's past ten. Time to rest."

Realizing how late it was, Chu Yang rubbed her eyes, having read for too long. "I'll go freshen up."


Half an hour later, Chu Yang emerged from the bathroom and sat on the couch, blow-drying her increasingly long hair. Chi Yan quickly showered and came out to find Chu Yang still drying her hair. He took the hairdryer and stood behind her, intermittently blowing until her hair was nearly dry.

It was now past eleven, and though they had just woken up hours ago, Chu Yang decided to readjust to the time zone and retire to the bedroom. But unable to sleep, she reached for her book again. Chi Yan grasped her hand, interlocking their fingers.

"No more reading. You haven't paid any attention to me all day," he said, making no move to return to his own room.

Chu Yang: "...Alright. Come here, let me look at you."

Chi Yan smiled and leaned in. Chu Yang drew him close, idly absorbing his Yang energy to replenish herself.

