This Girl Forced to Become an Entertainment Company Boss - C.5: 0


On this sunny day, Gao Xiayu walked out of the school gate with his school bag on his back.

Today was the final exam, and after the exam, it would be summer vacation.

He had never looked forward to a holiday so much. Since he signed with the company a few days ago, Gao Xiayu had been in an excited state, not paying much attention in class.

It was said that he would go to the company to take a look at the situation the next day, but because of the final exam, he had to focus on the school side first.

Today he was going to the company, so his mom was waiting for him at the school gate, intending to take him there and take a look at the situation along the way. If it didn't work out, she would hurry up and terminate the contract.

"Hot?" Gao's mother stood by the roadside holding an umbrella, seeing Gao Xiayu coming out, she even handed him the small fan in her hand, "Eat first or go to the company first?"

Although she asked this, it was needless to think about it. Her son would definitely choose to go to the company first. He had been so excited these past few days that he couldn't even eat dinner at night. He had even searched the company's name online several times.

At first he couldn't find it, and Gao Xiayu panicked for a while. He hurriedly took out the contact information left by that sister and made a call. Only after hearing that he could get through and the voice was still that person did he breathe a sigh of relief.

To be honest, there are countless entertainment companies based in Beijing, and he has also interviewed with several, but the hope is so slim with thousands competing for one spot. Some wanted younger ages, while others required being sent abroad for training. It wasn't that the other party's company was no good, but that his parents weren't willing.

This time a company took the initiative to find him, and Gao Xiayu was really excited for a long time. Only after following his parents to check out the other party's company on the corporate investigation platform did he feel relieved. At least this company was real, not made up, and the other party also assured them that they would not charge any fees. If he did not adapt within a month, the contract could still be terminated.

With the conditions stated like this, what else could they disagree with? Gao's parents just wanted to treat it as a summer interest class for their son.

The two bought some convenient food from a roadside shop to eat on the go before getting on the subway. Following the address sent by the other party, the mother and son took the subway to the corresponding station, and someone even came to pick them up when they got out.

A girl holding an umbrella kept looking around at the subway exit. Seeing the person she was waiting for come out, she carefully compared the photo on her phone to confirm the person before walking up.

"Hello, are you Gao Xiayu?" The girl stopped them and asked. Seeing him nod, she introduced herself, "I am from the trainee management department of Random Entertainment. My name is Liu Jiajia. I'm afraid you don't know the way, so I came to pick you up."

After Gao Xiayu’s mother heard this, she nodded. "Hello, hello." Her impression of this company improved.

"It must be very hot. Our company is ten minutes away. Here's some water, have some first." Liu Jiajia was a new employee who had just joined the company. The trainee management department had only recruited two people, the other one being male, but it was not suitable to assign such reception tasks to males, because Gao Xiayu came with his mother. If it was a strange man picking them up, it would easily raise vigilance.

Liu Jiajia had been sent out again and again. The company also gave a lot of heat subsidies, so she was quite happy to run these errands.

Although she said it was a ten minute walk, if they walked fast, they could get there in five minutes. During this time, Liu Jiajia introduced Gao Xiayu and his mother to the company's situation.

"Our company has its own building and performing arts center, but the building is still under construction, and the theater is also still being renovated. So during the summer vacation, the classes for the kids are arranged in the practice rooms of the theater. The practice rooms are very large, with separate soundproof rooms for vocal training. I heard from the boss that Xiayu studies vocals, so he can come to the practice room to practice when he doesn't have a place to practice."

"There are also bathrooms in the theater. After practice, the kids can take a shower there to freshen up before going home."

As she spoke, Gao’s mother kept nodding while Gao Xiayu's eyes lit up, clearly very interested in what this sister was saying, and even started fantasizing about such a life.

"It’s summer vacation now. I don’t know if Xiayu has any plans for the summer vacation. We have arranged summer courses. Classes start at 10am and end at 10pm every day—" Liu Jiajia hadn't finished speaking when Gao's mother exclaimed, "10 o'clock?"

They had been trained about this. Liu Jiajia explained with a smile, "The scheduled courses are very full, including dance, vocals, language classes, and some hobby classes. As for meals, we have a cafeteria. The cafeteria is outsourced. The meals will be delivered to the backstage of the theater at mealtimes, and the kids can eat there. After class at night, our company will arrange for teachers to drive the kids home. We will let you know in advance when class ends at night, so you don't have to worry!"

"10 o'clock is too late." Although Gao’s mother complained, her mood was obviously much better than before. She left room for negotiation and looked at Gao Xiayu, "It depends on what the child thinks. If he can do it, so can we. At worst we’ll just go pick him up at night."

Gao Xiayu hurriedly said, "I can do it!"

Liu Jiajia smiled and said, "We're here at the back door of the theater." She pointed at the big door and said, "This is where the kids come in and out in the future. The front entrance is where the audience enters."

She also pointed to the black minivans parked at the door and said, "These are the vehicles that pick up and drop off the kids in the future. During peak hours in the morning, it is inconvenient to take the bus, so the kids may have to take the subway here themselves. At night we will have another teacher drive and drop the kids off."

Seeing those black minivans, Gao Xiayu had already started imagining his debut life. He felt that life was only starting to become flavorful from now on.

Liu Jiajia took the two inside and pointed out the way, explaining to Gao Xiayu which path led to the stage and which led to the bathroom.

As they walked and chatted, they soon arrived at the practice room.

As soon as the door opened, the noisy sounds coming from inside pricked out. Gao Xiayu looked at those unfamiliar faces around his age and felt nervous for a moment.

Seeing the last person come in, Jiang Juyou, who was standing in front of the mirror, greeted them, "Hello!"

Gao Xiayu's eyes lit up as he greeted loudly, "Sister, hello!" Then he glanced at the others.

Like Gao Xiayu when he came, the other four boys had also brought their parents, some even both parents coming together. Those four boys were also very conspicuous, all looking like they were in junior high or high school, with childish faces.

One of them stood out brightly, and Gao Xiayu's gaze lingered on him the longest.

"Okay, everyone is here. Let the kids get acquainted with each other first, and parents please come with me to the meeting room next door." These words were said by Jiang Juyou. After speaking, she looked at Liu Jiajia and signaled for them to go out too. 𝘧𝑟𝓮𝓮𝓌𝑒𝘣𝘯ℴ𝑣𝘦𝓵.𝒸ℴ𝑚

Before leaving, she also told the little boys, "Get acquainted with each other first."

The practice room had very good sound insulation. The moment the door closed, the room immediately became silent.

Gao Xiayu was the first to break the silence. "Um... My name is Gao Xiayu. I go to Yongqing Affiliated Middle School. I'm fifteen this year."

Another boy who looked very affable also spoke up. He pulled up the corners of his mouth and smiled, "My name is Chi Qiao. I go to No. 71 Middle School. I'm fourteen this year and have studied street dance for a few years."

After hearing this, Gao Xiayu's heart skipped a beat.

"My name is Yao Shuo. I also go to No. 71 Middle School. I'm fourteen this year. I can play the piano and guitar," Yao Shuo looked a little more shy. When he spoke, he pursed his lips several times, as if he had repeated the words in his stomach several times.

The little boy next to Yao Shuo had curly hair. He looked much younger with a height half a head shorter than Gao Xiayu’s. "My name is Pei Luming. I'm thirteen years old this year! I go to the international department of Heming Middle School. I haven't learned anything before!"

The last one was the one whose gaze Gao Xiayu couldn't help but linger on when he came in.

"My name is Ye Xing. I'm fourteen years old this year. I go to Huali Attached High School. I haven't learned anything before either." Ye Xing spoke with a slightly mellow tone. He was obviously good-tempered.

Among these people, Gao Xiayu was the oldest, two years older than the youngest, Pei Luming. He was also the only one who was already in high school, while the others had either just finished middle school entrance exams or had yet to take them.

While several people here were getting to know each other, Jiang Juyou was also chatting with several parents, basically repeating what Liu Jiajia had just said, so that everyone was clear what their children would be busy with over this period of time.

The conversation did not last long, ending after some ten-odd minutes. Jiang Juyou did not let the few parents go take another look in the practice room, instead seeing them off directly.

Today was the first day. It was impossible to just get to know each other. They had plans for today, but before that, there were still some things Jiang Juyou needed to brief them on.

