This Game Is Too Realistic - C.112: NPCs Are Coming To The Players’ Market To Set Up Stalls?Jun 22, 2023

This Game Is Too Realistic

C.112: NPCs Are Coming To The Players’ Market To Set Up Stalls?Jun 22, 2023

Chapter 112 NPCs Are Coming To The Players' Market To Set Up Stalls?

On the official website.

Ample Time: "Unlock a new landmark in the north of the abandoned construction site - the abandoned department store. There are a lot of Crunchers in it! We basically emptied the Crunchers on the first floor, but when we entered the basement, the VM indicated that the radiation index of the current area exceeded the safety threshold. Mhm, let me be blunt, there are probably good things in the basement. Are there any constitution-type players? We are just one constitution short."

Sisi: "Me me me!"

Tail: "Me too! Uh, I seem to be an agile type, but it's alright, I can sneak attack! ('ω'*)"

Ample Time: "Sorry, can't bring newbies to that dungeon. Here are the requirements. The constitution attribute should be 10 points, preferably more than 10 points."

Tail: "QAQ"

Irene: "I'm a level 4 constitution player, my main stat is just 10 points, and my talent... Forget it, I don't have it. ( ?° ?? ?°)"

Ample Time: "Brother, check your private message."

Garbage_pickup_level_99: "Want a lizard? I'm a solid tank. Whether it's radiation or poison, it won't have much effect on me!"

Night Ten: "You should find a way to get out of the shelter first. ( ?° ?? ?°)"

Garbage_pickup_level_99: "Fuck!"

Teng_teng: "I had to get up at 4:00 am to check PPT. Because of that I almost forgot to go to work. But there are still a few things I don't understand. Woohoo, I think I'm starting to lose hair. This game is getting harder and harder! (T^T)"

WC_really_has_mosquitoes: "Question time! Our goblins want to know if you are reading the serious PPT."

Teng_teng: "(*?ω?)?╰ăČ╯"

WC_really_has_mosquitoes: "( ? Д?*)”

The official website was still very peaceful today.

The whole forum was very harmonious except for a few old brothers arguing about which type of steel should be used for seamless steel pipes.

Chu Guang did not participate in the topic, but silently marked the accounts of these old brothers and arranged them on the list for the next batch of players.

Don't talk, just do it.

When the Alpha 0.6 version came out, it would be time for them to show what they got.

In fact, Chu Guang had always been curious why hadn't the website been blocked by the great firewall? After all, the people on this Wasteland Online forum had been discussing some sensitive information every day.

The official website had been online for more than a month, and now the daily visitors had almost broken through 10,000. This number was quite a lot.

That troll named arrogant lord must have reported to the relevant censorship department a lot.

However, nothing seemed to have happened.


Including being able to deliver the helmet to the player's door without people knowing it, if this is something that alien technology can do, it is really incredible.

It's like magic...

Playing with the ballpoint pen in his hand, Chu Guang, leaning on the chair, clicked his tongue.

At this time, he suddenly thought of the "morphogenetic field" mentioned in the recording.

"Little Seven."

Little Seven, who was charging up its battery, raised the camera. "What's the matter, master."

Chu Guang thought for a moment and said. "Have you heard of the morphogenetic field before?"

"Is it the main research topic of Shelter No. 404?"

"Huh?" Chu Guang sat up from his chair in surprise, looked at the paper bin crouching in the corner, and asked, "You know?"

"Master... As I said before, the information on Little Seven's archives was obtained from you." Little Seven's voice sounded a little helpless.


What a letdown.

But it's not important anyway.

Chu Guang leaned back on the chair, dropped the pen in his hand, grabbed the mouse, and clicked "Stellaris" on his computer, starting a new round of the game.


Since equipping the "Hummingbird" drone, Little Seven's field of vision has expanded a lot.

The silver-white sphere usually hovered 50 to 100 meters above the outpost quietly, and no one would notice it.

If necessary, it could also be deployed around the park, and the signal would be stable as long as it didn't fly three kilometers away.

With the VM device on his arm, Chu Guang could drag the drone horizontally to redeploy with just a flick of his index finger on the touchscreen.

This feeling was almost like playing an RTS game from the perspective of God.

The only pity was that players had their own thoughts, and he couldn't select the little blue men on the screen for micro-control.

Otherwise, it would really be the same as an RTS game.

Peeking was always a fun thing to do. Chu Guang, who was holding a VM, dragged the drone to the entrance of 76th Street for a while, observing those players who were raiding the greenhouse ruins, and then dragged the drone to the vicinity of the mutant human tribe to see what those Green-skinned muscle guys were doing.

Mhm, they seem really busy.

A few more corpses were added at the gate of the stockade, but the strange thing was that, apart from the sentries, none of these muscular guys were seen coming out of the stockade.

Where did these corpses come from?

Out of thin air?

It was a pity that Mutant Humans liked to use wood to make a dome in their stockade, and there were some rags and clothes hanging in the corridors. Because of this, Chu Guang couldn't see the inside from a high altitude.


Should I randomly select a player to go in to investigate it?

It is not impossible.

It was not until the drone's battery reached the bottom and the automatic return was triggered that Chu Guang reluctantly put away the VM and returned the control of the drone to Little Seven.


It was approaching dusk.

The market in front of the north gate was very lively.

There were stalls selling barbecue, special mushrooms, clothes, knives, and even "Goblin Rocket Launchers".

It must be said that these players were all talented people. Even if the game itself did not provide much content, they could create content and have a good time with limited content.

The native people living nearby were also attracted by the lively atmosphere here.

However, they didn't dare to get too close.

Coupled with zero silver coins in their pockets, they looked around enviously for a while, and then quietly left.

"The blue-coated people’s market is very lively."

"Their clothes are really beautiful, and they are also very good-looking."

"I saw the shell of the Crackleclaw Crab. They made armor pieces from the shell of the Crackleclaw Crab. Although it doesn't look very durable, they killed the Crackleclaw Crab!"

"They are grilling meat using charcoal. It's such a luxury."

"If only we could do business with them..."

"Yeah, our kids can't just drink milk. They need to eat some porridge when they are older
 Their shofar potatoes are also very good. They are bigger than the ones we saw in the north."

"I don't know if they need part-time labor. There is not much to hunt in winter. I hope I can use my strength to exchange some money."

"I want to save up to buy an axe, their axe looks more sturdy than ours, it's made of steel
 I've only seen steel tools in the big survivor strongholds."

Sitting in the middle of the camp in front of the fire, the refugees ate flatbread, drank hot camel milk, and whispered to each other with envy on their faces.

Those blue-coated people were not like them, who needed to build a large and high bonfire to keep warm together. They used those small torches dipped in black tar to light the entire camp.

It was too luxurious!

However, no matter how envious they were, their status was engraved in their DNA.

They were already very satisfied that they could stay next to the stronghold of a big force and not be expelled.

At least their life now was much better than before.

Iron Axe Wu, who was sitting with his tribesmen, fell into a long period of deep thought while looking at the black smoke wafting from the distant camp.

It was a peaceful and quiet night.

Next morning.

Iron Axe Wu went to the outpost alone, and after asking the guards on duty at the gate, he met with Chu Guang, who had just come out from the shelter.

"Sir, I have one request, I would like to ask for your help."

Not again.

Chu Guang yawned.

"You need to stop thinking about borrowing seeds from us."

Iron Axe Wu explained with a look of embarrassment and lowered his head. "Last time I was too abrupt. But this time I came to you not for the seed."

Chu Guang gave him a curious look. "Oh? What is it this time?"

Iron Axe Wu said bluntly without going around in circles. "My people want to set up a stall at the market at your north entrance. Please allow us to borrow a piece of land the size of a camel's skin."

How big is a piece of land the size of a camel's skin?

Chu Guang had never used such a strange quantifier.

However, the point was not the size.

"Is it a stall, what do you want to trade?"

Iron Axe Wu continued. "Some leather goods, found parts, tools we made ourselves, and animals, stuff like that... I promise you with my life that my people won't make trouble for you. We just want to exchange some grain and potatoes to feed our children."

Promise with his life...

In fact, ordinary survivor settlements didn't like to do business with refugees. After all, it was usually difficult for these wandering people to come up with good things, and no one liked the savage stall owners.

But if people could look at the problem from another angle...

Chu Guang thought for a moment.

With an idea in mind, he looked at the tribe leader in front of him and said.

"I can allow you to enter the market at the north gate, but you must abide by the rules we set. Such as ensuring that businesses comply with public order and good moral standards, maintaining the road in front of the stalls clean and tidy, no obstruction of traffic, no fights, no forced buying and selling, no private sale of slaves, no sale of addictive drugs, etc.”

“Also, operating stalls in our markets must and only use our currency. Any goods sold must also be of decent quality. If a dispute arises, all matters will be determined according to the provisions specified in the terms and conditions and arbitration results."

"The specific rules are posted on the notice board at the north gate. If you can accept it, I will give you an area."

Iron Axe Wu nodded respectfully. "We are willing to accept it, sir."

"I hope you have carefully considered the weight behind this answer," Chu Guang said, looking at him, "In that case, it's decided then."

In fact, Chu Guang had done a lot of thought about allowing those nomads to deepen their interactions with players. This was far earlier than Iron Axe Wu came to him on his own initiative.

Appropriate trade exchanges could boost the relationship between the two parties when managed properly.

The players would get better deals, the native people would get food rations, and he would naturally stuff copper coins and silver coins into the pockets of the native people. This, of course, was a win-win situation.

Maybe it should be called a triple-win situation.

After all, he won three times.

In the evening.

The players who went out to work carried today's spoils and returned to the outpost one after another.

Just when they were about to go to the north gate market to set up a stall to do business, they were suddenly surprised to find that an NPC stall appeared at the north gate.

Aren't all NPCs operating their business in the base?

Could it be that the increase in prosperity had triggered a hidden plot?

In front of the stall, two cute NPC girls dressed in animal skins sat on the floor, with a pot of charcoal fire beside them to keep them warm.

The two of them were not very old, and the older one was only in her early twenties, with a calm demeanor. The younger one was about fifteen or sixteen, with a pair of big eyes looking left and right, full of curiosity about everything here.

The two were probably sisters.

The light of the charcoal fire reflected on their wheat-colored cheeks, covering their malnourished complexion, and making them look rosy and shiny.

In front of them was a camel skin, on which were some ornaments made of colorful stones, scrap parts, iron daggers, scabbard holsters, leather goods, and other gadgets, as well as freshly slaughtered hyena meat.

And also good ham and tenderloin.

In addition, there was some fresh milk, which was placed in tin cans, aluminum cans, and other containers. In short, there were many things.

Although the players were not short of prey, they were still curious about the NPCs that suddenly appeared in the player's trading market.

"Why are those two NPCs in our market?"

"So cute!"

"Where's my Old Brother Mole? You know what I mean."

"Screw you! All you know is Doujinshi. What if I got banned again?"

"Uh, we haven't said anything yet."


"So fishy, fishy!"

Chu Guang was also curious about what the natives were selling, so he walked over to the stall and took a look.

Seeing the arrival of the administrator, the players immediately made way for him and waited eagerly for the plot to be triggered.

Chu Guang looked at the two and asked. "What are your names?"

Just when the older one was about to speak, the younger one stretched out her arm and raised her hand vigorously to answer. "My name is Autumn Leaves!"

Chu Guang had roughly figured out the naming style of this tribe. It was estimated that the name came from what they saw during the travel.

Anyway, it sounded more normal than Iron Axe.

"What about your elder sister?"

"Autumn Weed!"


Chu Guang almost couldn't hold back his laughter.

But he still held back in the end.

"...Good name."

The older sister said in a low voice while secretly observing the expression on the administrator's face. "Sir, my little sister is still young and lacks discipline. If we offend you... please punish me. Please don't hurt her."

"No, your sister is quite cute."

After asking so many questions, it would make him look stingy if he did not buy anything.

Chu Guang glanced at the items on the stall. Next to each item, according to the rules he set, Arabic numerals were written on the wooden sign with the price clearly marked.

These numbers were taught to them by Chu Guang, mainly for the convenience of players.

Well, these refugees were very obedient.

It was not as "evil" as rumors said.

Putting down one silver coin, Chu Guang picked out a smaller plastic bottle.

"Let me try this camel milk."

Autumn Leaves: "Ah, the camel milk is in the bottle next to it—"

"It's okay, normal milk is also fine."

After that, Chu Guang took the plastic bottle and went to Ya Ya for identification.

The little girl wanted to stop Chu Guang and make it clear, but her elder sister, who had a blushing face, grabbed her quickly, shook her head at her, and said in a low voice. "We can't go through that gate, we can't run around in the market, and we can't offend that person, you know?"

"Everything here is his, he can have what he wants."

Not to mention the man already paid them.

Although the tone may be harsh, he was indeed a benevolent ruler.

The little girl looked aggrieved.

Even though she was well-meaning, she still had to be scolded by her elder sister.

"Okay." Although she said that, she still felt frustrated.

That really isn't camel milk...

Her elder sister smiled softly and stroked her little sister's head. "Good girl."

The players around had been discussing the plot just now. Although some versions were ridiculous, they had roughly figured out what was going on.

Especially seeing that the administrator had bought something, they all followed suit.

"Give me a dagger holster!"

"Which is camel milk? I want camel milk! Huh? Is that how you say it?"

"What! That's the last one?"

"What is this fruit? It looks so dark, can it even be eaten?"

"Never mind, I'll just buy it and give it to Boss Ya Ya to taste it."

