The Best Actor Insists On Living With Me! - C.108: : Double Room (2)


Translator: 549690339

Although this was a live broadcast, the production team craftily cut to a pre-recorded clip of Wang Zisu discussing his “ideal type.” At the time, he had answered, “Active as a startled rabbit, introverted as a maiden.’

One might think it was just an artistic expression he casually uttered, but when you apply this adjective to Xia Siyu, doesn’t it perfectly describe someone who is introverted as a maiden when acting but as active as a startled rabbit off-screen?

Could it be that Wang Zisu’s ideal type is—someone like Xia Siyu?

The barrage of comments exploded with wails: “Is the production team deliberately stirring up a CP (couple pairing)?”

“What a trashy company, to pair my brother with that woman?

“Producers, be professional!”

Once all six participants had gathered, the director standing on the other side began to speak, “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our show ‘Flowers and Grass.’ Over the next ten days, we will spend our time in this seaside villa.

After ten days, we will embark on a new journey to Heidelberg.”

After a token round of applause, there were seven envelopes placed on the table in front of the director. “Just now when you got on the vehicle, we asked you to hand over your cell phones and wallets. The cell phones will be returned to you later, but the wallets will temporarily be confiscated by the production team. Everyone’s daily meal allowance is in these envelopes. Also in the envelopes is information about your personal rooms; those with the same color room cards will be living together for the next ten days.”

The one who noticed the point was Hu Juyue. She pointed at the envelopes and counted, “There are seven envelopes, there’s an extra one, does that mean there is still a roommate who has not arrived?”

The director nodded. “There is still one roommate who, due to scheduling reasons, could not arrive today. He should arrive tomorrow without any mishaps.”

Everyone rushed forward to grab the envelopes. Upon opening them, the first thing they checked was the room cards: “1 got yellow.” “l got green, who’s with me?”

“Me, me, what about you? What color did you get?”

Zhou Weiwei was a little disappointed not to be in the same room as Xia Siyu, but having Hu Juyue as a roommate wasn’t too bad. Shang Feifei and Li Yiru both picked green cards, meaning they would live together. Xia Siyu held up a red card while Wang Zisu had an orange one.

The two of them ended up in separate rooms.

Since the last guest, according to the official announcement, was another male, Xia Siyu was particularly pleased to have secured a single room for herself. Some people go on variety shows for the camera time, like Hu Juyue, unfortunately, she didn’t get to share a room with any of the top three female stars, so there wasn’t much to talk about. But for Xia Siyu, being able to rest well was, of course, the best. She wasn’t used to sharing a room with someone else.

The last envelope, lonely and abandoned, lay on the table.

After checking the room cards, they moved on to what was most important— the daily living allowance: ten bucks.

To be precise, ten euros.

Receiving such a modest sum, the group of celebrities was a bit dumbfounded.

Even though ten euros is equivalent to sixty or seventy yuan, the purchasing power that it represented locally was indeed just ten bucks. Labor is expensive overseas; just one dish in a restaurant easily costs twenty euros. They could probably manage one meal at a fast food joint, but there were obviously three meals a day to consider, perhaps even other expenses. Were the producers forcing them to cook and learn to plan and manage?

Amid a collective sigh, several guests grumbled as they moved their luggage in. Xia Siyu’s red card room was the smallest one on the second floor, at the very back. Although it was a double room, she happily pushed the two small beds together.

