Subscriber of the Gods - C.4: Whereā€™s that coming from?

Subscriber of the Gods

C.4: Whereā€™s that coming from?

[Subscription review]

Heo Jun said there are [New World] users in many worlds. Do they also have reviews for their subscriptions?

And next to it, was the number of subscribers and likes Hercules had.


Subscribers: 1.08M Likes: 1.09M

Hercules had 1.08 million subscribers. And he had 1.09 million likes.

Since one like was basically required to subscribe, that meant that only a hundred additional people had seen the video.

The worlds famous Hercules only has less than 10,000 subscribers compared to the likes?

He was surprised for a moment, but when he thought about it, it made sense.

First of all, he didnt know how many people were using [New World].

If it was in the tens of thousands, then Hercules subscriber count would be huge.

What about Heo Jun?

Suddenly, his mind went crazy, as he looked him up.

Its true.

[Heo Jun]

Subscribers: 7 Likes: 14

He has more likes than subscribers. I guess that means people who watched the video are happy, right?

It was a different number than Hercules. Of course, it was a pretty big difference to quantify.

Because it was definitely effective.

It was a godsend because he brought Ethan back from the brink of death. It was the kind of skill that wouldnt hurt to subscribe to in this field.

He asked me to write a review.

Ethan first checked out Hercules reviews, which were highly subscribed.

-<Herculess subscription review.>

Huh? Theres a video review?

When Ethan clicked on the review, the video immediately unfolded. It felt like he was right there in the middle of it.

A large man was breathing, and in front of him was a fairly large boulder, which he was trying to lift.

Thats not an easy rock to lift.

It wasnt neatly cut, and it looked like it would be difficult to balance the weight.

As expected.

He tried to lift it somehow, but he didnt have enough strength, so he just threw it forward.

Then the video switched.

The caption showed -10 days after subscription- and he saw a man whose body had changed considerably. He breathed similarly to the first video, and then, with a snap, he lifted the rock.

Just as he was thinking, Isnt this fake?, the man cracked the rock with his two hands.

-Crazy. Thats Herculean strength in 10 days?

-The review is great. I watched it and subscribed too ^^

-Im going to hunt the nine-headed hydra on Death Mountain, and I wasnt sure which god to subscribe to. I watched this and instantly subscribed to Hercules.

Isnt this perfect for me right now?

Ethan smiled and was about to hit subscribe.

But then he saw another review.

Should I check it out a little more, just in case?

It was a video, too.

However, unlike the previous review, this one was a video of a man practicing Hercules breathing with no results.

-I think this is a viral review at the top.

-I had a hard time collecting likes, but I subscribed to Hercules and then canceled.

-The explanation is so unfriendly that its hard to understand.

-I heard the trend these days is to cut through the bullshit and get to the point. Hercules just cut through all the bullshit. Im having a hard time with all the abstract explanations.


There was just as much negative feedback as there was positive.

Ethan thought about it for a moment but then decided.

Strength can be used for anything.

It was a basic, foundational strength. One could learn and build upon this basic strength.

If one used a sword, one could use it to wield a sword.

If one used a spear, one could use it to wield a spear.

It was really versatile.

Its my weakness, its something I have to overcome on my own.

If Hercules wasnt a God that liked explaining things. Ethan just had to overcome it.

I just need to understand.

Ethan immediately subscribed to Hercules.

-Youve subscribed to Hercules!

-You used one like.

Lets see how hard this is going to be.

-[NEW!] Hercules Basic Physical Strength Course

-[NEW!] How to beat a lion with your bare hands

As with Heo Jun, two videos were unlocked.

Ethan immediately pressed the first video.

-I am eternally grateful to my students for taking the Basic Physical Strength course. I dont need to give you a long explanation of who I am, so lets cut through the chatter. What you need is this stamina, the kind that keeps you going for three days and three nights!

Hercules was a longer talker than he expected.

Moreover, unlike Heo Jun, it wasnt a real lecture, and he showed a pre-made video, so Ethan couldnt ask him if he had a question.

Lets watch it thoroughly. Lets make sure I dont skip anything.

Ethan looked at [New World] intently.

Lets go.

-Paid content.

Crazy. This is paid content?

-It can be unlocked for 1 million gold.

I dont know who made this, but I think this person can be trusted with my money.

It was a very smart business move.

-A set of twelve physical training. If you can master these twelve training methods, you will be as strong as I am. Now, lets start with the basics, the first method.

There are only two videos. Twelve methods of physical training.

It seemed that Hercules had quite a few hidden videos as well.

Ethan focused on the video of Hercules, never taking his eyes off it.

The video itself was normal. But his breathing was different.

-This is mine, Hercules breathing. I train with this breath.

With Hercules words, Ethan learned a new skill.

-You have learned Heros Breathing.

-Added Skill: Heros Breathing (A)

-Swing while breathing as you just learned!

Well, Hercules is certainly explaining things abstractly. Still, I kind of understand it.

Ethan immediately grabbed a wooden sword. Before he had gotten so sick, Ethan had excelled at swordsmanship.

Even the Whiskers swordsmanship he was learning now was 100% mastered.

Lets give it a try.

He raised the wooden sword and breathed. Immediately, the Heros Breathing was activated, and the blood in his body quickly began to heat up.

This is going to be a little dangerous.

This breathing technique was basically the breath that made Hercules a hero. So it was not surprising that he felt a rush of excitement as he breathed.

Ive got to stay focused!

Ethan stomped his foot and tried to keep his cool.

Many of the skills he had learned in his previous playthroughs were like that. Berserk and other techniques that utilized the power of madness clouded his reasoning.

There are times when you will attack your allies, and there are also times when you will die from exhaustion.

So other people basically played without those skills. But not Ethan.

The efficiency of it is huge.

They werent hard to learn, but they could have a huge impact, which was why Ethan used them so well.

Control. Thats the most important thing.

Ethan breathed slowly, slashing his wooden sword from top to bottom.


Never let go of reason.

Ethan quickly began to focus.

He swung his wooden sword effortlessly, and the Whickers swordsmanship began to unfold from his hand.

The Whickers swordsmanship was characterized by speed and a pleasing sensation. It comprised eight fundamental movements, with the final one creating an aura that brought intense pleasure.

People of the Whiskers family were taught this Whiskers swordsmanship by default, and most of them never made it to the eighth form.

This was because having pushed their speed to the limit, they had to increase it once more, a process that was extremely difficult.

In the short history of the Count, only three people had ever achieved this, and one of them was Ethan Whickers.

So it was no wonder the Count was so obsessive.

His young son, the first to reach eight, was sickly and on the verge of death, so he wanted to save him in any way he could.

I know now that Ive swung the sword, its clear: this guys got some extraordinary talent.

He was feeling it all so clearly.

His breathing, the movement of his muscles. He knew instantly how to move and how to swing the sword.

Plus, I can see its systematic.

From one to eight. This Whiskers swordsmanship was completely connected.

As the pace gets faster and faster, by the time you reach the eighth, you break the limit and finish at an even faster pace.

Ethan smiled wryly.

He could finally see the potential for growth. In the moment of immersion, the arduous process of training became fun for Ethan.

It always did. Once he got into it, he was hooked every time and lost track of time.

Ethan continued his training.

* * *

Ethan had been training at the training ground for about half a month.

News of Ethan practicing swordsmanship was spreading throughout the county.

The current lord was away for a while.

This led to a lot of speculation and stories.

Young Master Ethan must be trying to regain his health. Hes been in the training ground all day.

But he doesnt have the stamina for that. He can barely walk. How can he train?

Maybe hes back to normal for a while, just before he dies. Thats what my grandfather did, too.

Amidst all the talk, the Counts servant, Riemann, was smirking.

He was a devious man.

He had been working for the Count for five years now.

He had joined the counts household hoping to make a lot of money, but when he realized that there was less for him to do there than he thought, he thought about quitting.

But five years was a waste, and he wanted to do something more than just quit, he wanted to do something big and run away.

Then he saw the perfect opportunity.

He heard that the dying First Young Master was once again training, and he thought this was a great opportunity.

He surreptitiously watched Ethan emerge from the training ground, and when he saw him covered in sweat, he knew he was trying to stay alive.

So he cautiously approached him.

Young Master, its me, Riemann.

Whats wrong?

Ive found a way. A way to cure this disease of yours!

The kind of words anyone would say in this condition.

He knew Ethan would fall for it, no matter what.

Really? You figured out a way to make my body healthy?

Yes, indeed. Young Master. I went to the underworld this time.

Reimann smirked as he said that he had found a great medicine.

I immediately thought of you, Young Master Ethan, so I tried to get it for you, but the price was too high I apologize.

How much did that medicine cost?

Its very expensive, and there are already quite a few people who want to buy it, but they said they wont sell it to just anyone. They said theyll only sell it to people who really need it, so if we tell them about Young Masters situation, theyll definitely give it to us!

He held up three fingers as he said it.

How much?


Riemann paused for a moment, wondering how much to call it.


Three million gold. Young Master.

He was going to hit it with a big one. For a moment, Ethans eyes flickered. He was thinking.


The words were sloppy, but in his eagerness, they sounded real. Riemann was already as happy as if he had won three million gold.

Then come with me for a minute.

Yes! Young Master!

Thinking he was being taken to the place where the money was hidden, Riemann was pleased to hear the door slam shut.

It worked. He could finally hit a jackpot and run.

To begin with, Ethan had been a fairly nave and good-natured character, dark about the world outside of swordsmanship.

He didnt think anyone would doubt his word, especially since Ethan rarely left the house after his sickness.

So, why are you doing this nonsense?

But all he got was a stern look and a harsh tone.

He hadnt expected the kindly young master to say such a thing.

Young Master, what do you mean? Im serious. Its not nonsense.

Riemann pretended to be innocent. His opponent couldnt even hold himself together. If Ethan released his mana and pressured him, he had a body that could easily pass out.

But Ethan laughed.

Just when I needed to see the results of ten days of training.

Ethan raised his wooden sword and slashed at Riemann.

What kind of nonsense do you think youre doing? How could my father not have discovered the expensive medicine you discovered?

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