Rather Than The Son, Iā€™ll Take The Father - C.165: After Story 5Oct 04, 2023

Rather Than The Son, Iā€™ll Take The Father

C.165: After Story 5Oct 04, 2023

When I couldnā€™t seem to calm down, Aedis turned around.

I thought he was going to leave the cave with a pout, but he came back to me, perhaps worried about me.

ā€œThere are things I have to do outside. It wonā€™t be long, stay here.ā€

ā€œYes, heup.ā€

I was about to burst into laughter again, so I covered my mouth.

Aedis stared at me with eyes full of complex and subtle emotions, then suddenly took off his shoes.

He set them down in front of my feet.

ā€œā€¦ā€¦ You can keep laughing, so donā€™t get hurt.ā€

After saying it like a sigh, Aedis completely disappeared this time.

Oh, what to do, I really love my husband.

There was no time to leave the smile that settled on his lips.

ā€œWhen you come back later, you have to tell me where you like it besides my face.ā€

I saw Aedis slipping my foot into the shoe he had left behind. It went in, but the shoeā€™s so big that I felt like my feet would fall out when I walked.

Thereā€™s a huge difference in height and physique between us, so it canā€™t be helpedā€¦ā€¦.

Gently shaking my feet. Aedisā€™ shoes surrounding my feet swayed accordingly.

ā€œā€¦ā€¦ Itā€™s quiet.ā€

After Aedis had left, the cave became quiet in an instant.

The chick had fallen asleep without a care in my pocket. It seemed unlikely that it would transport me elsewhere in the next few hours.

At least I can see Aedis return.


Listening to the wind whipping through the cave, I adjusted Aedisā€™ coat.

ā€œWhat was the smell anyway?ā€

It bothered me as Aedis blushed when he said it.

Besides, he stammered till the end.


I worked my brain hard, wondering if there might be a clue.

Suddenly, I remembered a conversation I had with the current Aedis, who should now be in Cyclamen Castle.

ā€•Eve, the mark of the spirit on your forehead.

ā€•Proof that I signed a contract with Paimon? Whatā€™s wrong?

ā€•Can I cover it with my magic?

It was an ordinary day. I sat on Aedisā€™ lap, his hand resting on my forehead, longing for permission.

ā€•It doesnā€™t matter, butā€¦ ā€¦ . Is it ugly?

ā€”ā€¦ā€¦ Iā€™m glad you think highly of me, but Iā€™m jealous of anyone, no matter how stupid or pitiful a beast he is.

The sign was invisible even to me, the contractor. However, it should have always been visible to Aedis, a human that is beyond normal.

I allowed it thinking that he was such a patient husband.

Then Aedisā€™ touch became very wrong.

ā€” Aedis? Why are his clothes off?

ā€•I got permission, so I have to do it properly.

ā€•I donā€™t think you know, but my forehead is here.

What was Aedisā€™ expression like at that time?

Only a quiet laugh and a low voice like scraping the floor were embedded in my mind.

ā€•The wife always smells good. I can feel the energy of fire.

The unique and sweet scent that only Aedis could smell came from drinking the beastā€™s blood. He could feel the energy of fire because of the contract I made with Paimon.

ā€•I am the one by your side, but why do the traces I leave disappear so quickly?

Thatā€™s right. At that time, he bit me a lot. It didnā€™t hurt, but I felt like I was going to be eaten.

ā€” Al, alright. Cover it well so that you canā€™t see the mark on my forehead, you canā€™t smell it, and you canā€™t feel the energy of fire.

In the end, Aedis got what he wanted. I suffered for several days.


My face flushed.

Letā€™s forget this. Just keep pretending I donā€™t know, I think Iā€™ll be fine.

I tried to cool the heat by fanning myself with my hand. Somehow, I could see why the nineteen-year-old Aedis didnā€™t suspect me.

I said I was from 500 years later, but his magic covered my body. It would be strange if he didnā€™t notice.

ā€¦ā€¦ Maybe he even guessed how to infuse his magic?

I remembered the look on Aedisā€™ face, as he couldnā€™t bear to explain it with his own mouth and turned the subject around.


It, it might have been a difficult future for 19-year-old Aedisā€¦ā€¦.

Before Aedis gets back, Iā€™m going to have to put a hard stomp on my face.

* * *

He heard too much.

So, it was inevitable to find a place where no one could reach.

He intended to remain hidden, at least until he was unfazed by the sight of something reminiscent of his brother.

For his own good.

And for others who have no reason to face their anger unintentionally.

ā€˜ā€¦ā€¦ Noisy.ā€™

As soon as he moved into a fairly large and bustling town, Aedis felt uncomfortable. But he went to the small town thinking of his future wife.

After Aedis extended his senses for a few seconds to grasp the structure of the town, he entered the most luxurious restaurant. He didnā€™t know what kind of food his future wife preferred, but it shouldnā€™t be a big problem.

He didnā€™t even realize what a savage face he was making. Aedis ordered the food.

ā€œPackage it. Every thing.ā€

ā€œWhatā€¦ā€¦ ?ā€

ā€œCanā€™t you hear me?ā€

Aedis had no intention of being sarcastic, and the man did not want to be killed by a terrifying villain.

ā€œOh no! I heard, heard, heard it!ā€

The man hurriedly glanced at the waiter, not even having time to pack the pocket full of gold coins.

Only then did the frozen waiter run toward the chef.

ā€œPlea, please, wa, wait, a momentā€¦ā€¦ ? Hahaā€¦ā€¦.ā€

He just hoped that the waiter delivered it properly. The man glanced at Aedis while breaking out in a cold sweat.

He didnā€™t even dare to look at Aedisā€™ face, so he inferred by his expression. To the man, Aedis seemed to be a royalty or noble whose blood was precious. Or that he occupied a place in the underworld.

But even so, no attendant was following him. If the food was finished like this, the man would have to hand it to Aedis himself. š™—š™šš™™š’š™¤š™«š’†š™”.š’„š™¤š’Ž

Naturally, the man assumed that Aedis was of the type of people who did not carry anything themselves. The man asked cautiously, trying to suppress his fear.

ā€œButā€¦ā€¦ Can you take it with you? Where are your attendantsā€¦ā€¦.ā€

The cold blue eyes fell on the man. They were the devilā€™s eyes.

ā€œYou talk a lot.ā€

ā€œI, I was wrongā€¦ā€¦ !ā€


Aedis narrowed his eyes as he saw the man kneeling down. Aedis meant that he didnā€™t want to engage in useless conversation, but the overly intimidated man didnā€™t understand. It was the exact opposite reaction from his future wife, who was waiting for him in the cave.

ā€˜ā€¦ā€¦ Come to think of it.ā€™

Aedis recalled the first words from his future wife who had found him.

ā€•The villain, no, Aedis?


He ordered properly, and paid for the food many times over. But everyone in the restaurant was afraid of him. They crouched like herbivores sensing a threat.

They had an instinctive intuition that Aedis was, in fact, a monster. There was no way he wouldnā€™t feel that contagious fear in the air.

He was out of the norm, a foreign object. The brother who Aedis believed in and followed him all his life had made Aedis that way.

So Aedis used minimal words when standing in front of a group of herbivores. He would not interact with them.

It was impossible to mix with them now, so he thought of living disconnected from them for the rest of his life. He was so used to it as he couldnā€™t even leave his bedroom until he was taken to his brotherā€™s lab anyway.

It was hell to endure.

ā€” I got you!

ā€¦ā€¦ There was no fear, instead she even had a lively face with a smile on it. The warmth in her arms was like the sunlight in spring. But what puzzled him more than that were the affectionate words she spat out without hesitation in a clear voice.

ā€”Can I touch your face? Can I kiss you? Can I say I love you?

And the magical power contained in that small body to the limit. Just as a beast smeared its body odor on its companion, there was dense magic that enveloped her without the slightest gap.

It was obviously his.


Feeling feverish again, Aedis wiped his face.

That persistence only looks crazy, but thatā€™s what she did.

She looked so fragile that even touching her was frightening.

Yes. She was so fragile.

ā€¦ā€¦ He certainly couldnā€™t leave her in her pajamas all the time. Even if she had his coat, it didnā€™t seem like it would be of much help given her attire.

Aedis asked the man who was holding his breath.

ā€œHow long will it take?ā€

ā€œItā€¦ā€¦it will be, as, as quick as possible ,ā€¦ā€¦.ā€

Aedisā€™ head tilted at an angle.

Even if he was clumsy at taking care of others, he knew that cooking quickly didnā€™t necessarily mean it was delicious.

He didnā€™t know when his future wife would leave, but he was pressed for time and he didnā€™t want to feed her poor food.

Feeling Aedisā€™ glaring gaze on him, the man broke into a cold sweat like rain.

The man subconsciously turned his head away in a vain search for a helping hand.

People desperately held their breath and turned away from the manā€™s gaze in order not to be noticed by this disaster-like existence.

Ever since Aedis entered the place, there had been no sound of clinking dishes.

The man finally straightened his head. The bright blue eyes were looking straight at him.

The man managed to hold back his tears, unaware that Aedis was grim with concern for his future wife.

ā€œPlease, give us, us time, thankā€¦ā€¦ youā€¦ā€¦.ā€

Aedis nodded his head to the man who was trembling like a prisoner facing the executioner.

ā€œIā€™ll get things done and come back.ā€

Aedis left for the clothing store without hesitation, and the man muttered in dismay.

ā€œThingsā€¦ā€¦ done?

