I Became Friends with the Second Cutest Girl in My Class (WN) - C.277: The Unusual Every Day (2)Nov 11, 2023

I Became Friends with the Second Cutest Girl in My Class (WN)

C.277: The Unusual Every Day (2)Nov 11, 2023

[Asanagi: Huh?]

[Nina: Y-Yuuchin?]

[Nozomu: Amami-san?]

Up until now, Amami-san had never refused an invitation to hang out together, regardless of the reason. That was why everyone seemed surprised by this development.

For a moment, I thought that she was trying to avoid Nitta-san for a while, but since she was supposed to be acting like usual (or at least trying to) to prevent Umi, Nozomu and I from worrying, there was no way that she’d be doing it so blatantly.

[Amami: Sorry, everyone.]

[Amami: Actually, I was thinking of asking my dad to help me study for the exam.]

[Asanagi: Your dad?]

[Asanagi: Isn’t he busy with work?]

[Amami: No, well there’s something called
 No overtime? I think? Yeah, I think that’s what it's called. Anyway, there’s the no overtime thing in his office, so he could go home on time even when he’s busy.]

[Maehara: I see, no overtime, huh?]

[Nozomu: Something like that exists? Man, it would be nice if our club implements that. We’ve always been practicing until the sun was set lately

Seki, shut it, we don’t need to know about what your baseball club is doing.]

Well, let’s forget about the baseball club, that started sounding more like a black company the more I heard about them, for a moment. Amami-san’s reason to not join our group’s study session was reasonable.

Since the parent-teacher interview was coming up, she probably felt the need to study harder than usual. Like Umi and I, she also wanted to continue her education at a university, so she had to study even harder than us.

But, still

[Asanagi: Well, that’s fine. But, at least you’ll go home with us, right, Yuu?]

[Nina: She’s right. Let’s go home together, Yuuchin~]

[Amami: Ah, yes, of course I will.]

[Maehara: Okay, let’s meet up at the school gate after school. You’re fine with that right, Nozomu?]

[Nozomu: Yessir.]

After that, we ended our conversation. We didn’t need to talk about everything over the phone since we’d meet up soon anyway.

Since I was in the same class as Amami-san, I’d definitely end up going to the gate together with her
 It troubled me a little since I didn’t know what I should say to her
 I mean, this was the first time I had to deal with something like this

 Let’s go, Amami-san

 W-Well, let me say goodbye to Nagisa-chan first—”

However, when she turned around to look for Arae-san and her group, there was no one there.

It seemed like they had already left the room when we were talking.

Well, she isn’t here

“Ah, jeez
 Nagisa-chan, you dummy!”

That was the first time I’ve ever heard her complaining about something Arae-san did.

In any case, just like what I was talking about with Umi this morning, Amami-san really acted unusually.

* * *

After leaving the classroom, we both headed towards our meeting place; the school gate. I was thinking of waiting for Umi, but it seemed like her class was still in the middle of Homeroom. She also texted me to go on ahead, so I did.

Usually, I’d still wait for her in front of her class anyway. Her classmates already knew about our relationship, so it wasn’t like I needed to sneak around. Also, Nakamura-san and the others were fun to talk to, so I enjoyed hanging around them for a while. đ›đžđ—±đ—»đšđŻđ—Čđ—č.𝐜𝐹𝐩

But it wasn’t the case this time. The reason? Because of a certain text from Umi.

[Amami: It’ll be cruel to Seki if we were to leave him alone with those two, so you really should go on ahead with her.]

That text convinced me.

Nozomu might have already noticed that there was something going on with those two, but he hadn’t felt the actual atmosphere that flew between them, something that I had directly felt at the mall the other day. That was why, it would be better if I were to be there with him so things wouldn’t become too awkward.

And so, I decided to go to the meeting place together with Amami-san. Which made me realize that it had been a while since I walked together with her.

“Let’s go.”


After I started walking, Amami-san followed behind me, maintaining half a step distance.

Normally, she’d be the one who was pulling me around, but this time, she was unusually quiet.

For some reason, there was an awkward atmosphere between us.

 Sorry, Maki-kun


“You know
 About today’s study session
 Even though you went out of your way to invite me

“I mean, it’s fine, you have another plan anyway. Also, even if you don’t study with us, we can still give you our notes.”

“E-Eh? R-Really?! 
W-Wait, is that really okay? I mean, since I won’t be studying with you guys, you know
 I don’t think it’s right for me to take your notes

Are you sure you don’t want the notes?”

“Y-Yes! A man won’t go back on his words, Maki-kun!”

“I appreciate your spirit, but that’s a completely wrong expression to use

She showed a little hesitation just now, but it seemed like her resolve was firm.

It wasn’t a bad thing for Umi and I if she didn’t participate as it was essentially one less person for us to teach, but
 It felt like things would be a little bit lonely without her

While we were exchanging such a conversation, we arrived at the school entrance, where Nitta-san and Nozomu were already waiting for us.

“Ey, Maki, what’s up? Also, Amami-san, hello.”


“Sorry, Ninacchi, Nozomu-kun. Were you guys waiting for long?”

“No, we just got here. Is your girlfriend still in her Homeroom, Rep?”

“Yeah, it’ll be over soon though. We should wait for her here.”

“Sure, but here is a little
 Let’s move to the courtyard instead. We could sit on the benches there~”

“Sounds good.”

After sending a text to Umi, I went with the other three to the benches in the courtyard. There were three benches arranged to circle a round plant there.

Since there were also other students there, only one of the benches was empty.

“Obviously Yuuchin and I have the right to sit down, but which among you two want to sit between us~?”

“Why do either of us have to sit between you and Amami-san? We can just sit on the edge.”

“Oh my~ You could try the ‘flower in each hands’ thing, you know? Can’t believe you’d pass on the opportunity, Seki~”

“Opportunity my a*s. Maki, you sit down.”

“Ah, wait—”

Nozomu then made me sit between Nitta-san and Amami-san.

Yeah sure, I get the whole ‘flower in each hands’ thing, but as someone who was well aware of those two’s situation, this was literally him throwing me into a pit of snakes.

Then again, I knew we needed someone to come between those two

“Speaking of, Rep, how long will the study session last? We’re going to go through every subject today, right?”

“Yeah, well, I actually planned to focus on math and English first, but there should be enough time for us to go through everything. As for how long it’ll last
 I don’t know, I didn’t plan that far. Do you need to leave early?”

“No, the opposite. I want to stay as long as I can. To study of course, not to play around.”


Her words were so unexpected that I was literally flabbergasted when I heard them.

I couldn’t believe that someone who was second only to Amami-san regarding how bad she was at studying would utter something like that.

What? Did I say something weird?”

“Not really weird, but
 You know

“The sun’s gonna come out from the west tomorrow, huh?”

“I swear I’m going to hit you two. Look, it isn’t like I want to study either! But, you know, this time, our exam is a little different than usual, right
? I mean, after the exam
 There’s the public execution event

“Ah, the parent-teacher interview? Are your parents really that strict, Nitta-san?”

“Very. Usually, I can just hide from them, but this time, I can’t! That’s why I want my grades to look decent at least

Personally, I didn’t think that it was such a big deal, but who am I to say?

Well, whatever her reason was, studying was still a good thing. As long as the teacher saw her efforts in studying, they wouldn’t be too harsh on her.

“Well, if that’s the case
 Sure, I guess

“Thank you for understanding, Rep! As expected of our Rep! So helpful, caring and


It was rare for Nitta-san to thank me, but that wasn’t the thing that surprised me.

For some reason, she embraced my arm.


“Hm? What’s wrong, Yuuchin? You’re looking at me weirdly. Is there a bug on my face?”

“No, there isn’t
 There’s nothing in your face
 Rather, what are you doing, Ninacchi?!”

“What am I doing? Oh, this. Well, I was too excited, so I did it without thinking, my bad. But, isn’t this a normal thing to do for friends, right, Rep?”

“No it isn’t? At least for me

We’ve been doing a lot of study sessions together and each time, I’ve been teaching Nitta-san to study. But this was the first time she actually thanked me out loud like this, not to mention embracing my arm

Considering her usual attitude, this was something she wouldn’t do normally.

Even considering the fact that she needed my help, she only considered me as a friend at best. As someone who knew her true color, her actions made me feel a little uncomfortable

Actually, it felt creepy

Why do you look so unhappy?! I even gave you this kind of service!”

I don’t have any money to give you.”

“What kind of girl do you think I am?! Anyway, I’m just doing this to show my thanks, okay?”

“Fine, fine, I get it
 Can you go away now?”

Even if Nitta-san didn’t mean anything by it, other people might still misunderstand the scene. I knew she was so excited and all, but I really wish she could refrain from doing something like that.

See what I meant? Amami-san stared at us as if she was looking at a ghost.

“N-Ninacchi, you can’t do that! Maki-kun has a girlfriend! Don’t do anything that will cause misunderstandings”

“Misunderstandings? Oh, c’mon, I get it if there are a lot of people around, but we’re the only ones here, you know? Sure, I might have gone a little too far, but everyone here knows that there’s nothing going on between us.”

“T-That might be true, but
 Y-You still can’t do it! R-Right, Maki-kun?!”

“U-Uh, well, yeah

Even if all five of us, including Umi, knew that there was nothing going on between me and Nitta-san, some of us would still be caught off guard if she were to do something like that out of nowhere. Case on point; Amami-san.

Nitta-san already told us that he had no feelings for both Nozomu and myself, but there was a possibility that she didn’t tell us the truth. Feelings could change at a moment's notice, after all.

That was the reason why I've been avoiding making too many contacts with girls aside from Umi, including Amami-san and Nitta-san. The only reason why I didn’t move out of her embrace was because I was too surprised to do so.

You know, Nitta, you seem a little
 From usual
 Are you okay? You aren’t sick, are you? Maybe you should go home for today

“What? No, I’m acting like usual! Also, why don’t you go home instead? If you were there, I couldn’t keep Rep to myself! Of course, I’m talking about studying.”


Seeing Nitta-san acting completely out of character like this, Amami-san puffed out her cheeks.

Now my suspicion has been confirmed. The reason why she had done all this was to provoke Amami-san.

On the surface, they acted as if they were getting along, but it seemed like their fight was still ongoing.

And instead of Amami-san, it was Nitta-san who was out for blood this time.

Seriously, it has been a month since the fireworks festival
 When would they make up with each other

