I Became Friends with the Second Cutest Girl in My Class (WN) - C.227: Going to the Pool with Everyone (5)Feb 22, 2023

I Became Friends with the Second Cutest Girl in My Class (WN)

C.227: Going to the Pool with Everyone (5)Feb 22, 2023

Chapter 227 ā€“ Going to the Pool with Everyone (5)

Soon after, we spotted the three drifting along the flowing pool among the crowd.

There were many people in the pool, but due to Amami-sanā€™s conspicuous appearance and Nozomuā€™s tall stature, we easily found them.

ā€œWelcome back!~ Did you two have a good time?ā€

ā€œOf course. We bought some shaved ice on our way here, letā€™s eat them together.ā€

ā€œYay~ Iā€™m taking the strawberry one~ā€

And so, everyone took one shaved ice each. Amami-san took the strawberry one, Nozomu took the melon one and Nitta-san took the lemon one. We moved to a nearby resting area. There was a parasol set in the center of the table, so we could hide from the sun while we were eating.

ā€œHm? Whatā€™s wrong, Nozomu? You donā€™t look so good.ā€

ā€œHuh? Ahā€¦ Donā€™t worry, itā€™s nothing reallyā€¦ā€

After I sat down and took the shaved ice that Umi fed me, I called out to Nozomu.

I had noticed something was wrong with him when we met up. Well, I had an idea what was going on, but I decided to ask anyway.

Amami-san then came forward and explained everything to me with a wry smile.

ā€œAhahaā€¦ Actually, just before you two came back, a group of people approached us. I think they said they were college studentsā€¦ Right, Ninacchi?ā€

ā€œYeah. They said that theyā€™re alumni from our school. Maybe they came back to this town for vacation or something. One of them looked quite cute, but heā€™s too short for my taste, so I donā€™t really care about him.ā€

Ignoring Nitta-sanā€™s pointless rambling, I managed to find out that when Nozomu was around, there were no guys trying to hit on them, but as soon as Nozomu went away, they started appearing.

Though, since Nitta-san was nearby, she was able to successfully brush them off.

ā€˜This girl is with me, back off!ā€™

When Nozomu got back, he shouted at them like that and made them run away quickly. Nitta-san recounted exactly what he said to them, word by word while chuckling.

ā€œā€¦Look, I know I shouldā€™ve come up with something better, but you knowā€¦ It was my first time dealing with that kind of situation, so I let the blood rush to my headā€¦ā€

His face reddened as he tried to explain himself while eating his dessert.

It was both Amami-san and Nitta-san who were being hit on, so what he said back then should be ā€˜those girlsā€™ instead of ā€˜this girlā€™. But I guess he tunnel-visioned because his emotions went out of control and completely forgot about Nitta-sanā€™s existence.

ā€œIā€™m sorry, Amami-sanā€¦ I said something outrageous just now, even though our relationship isnā€™t actually like thatā€¦ā€

ā€œJeez, I told you itā€™s fine already, Nozomu-kun! I understand that you were only trying to help us and nothing more. Weā€™re all friends here, so itā€™s alright, okay?ā€

ā€œY-Yesā€¦ R-Right, weā€™re all friends hereā€¦ā€

Amami-sanā€™s attempt to comfort him ended up doing more damage as he looked more hurt than before. I should comfort him later, poor guyā€¦

ā€œAnyway, Ninacchi, you should thank him! Stop teasing him already! You know he was trying to help us, right?ā€

ā€œNo, I meanā€¦ Fine. Good job, Seki. As a reward, hmā€¦ Iā€™ll let you eat my shaved ice.ā€

ā€œEw no. How about you leave me alone as a reward?ā€

In any case, thanks to Nozomu, we were spared a lot of trouble. After that, we quickly ate our frozen treat as it started to melt.

I rarely ate shaved ice and I had a feeling that if I were to eat it by myself at home, it wouldnā€™t taste quite as good as eating it together with everyone like this.

If my past self were to see me right now, he would probably mock me for thinking about something cheesy.

Well, even if it was cheesy, I had no problems with it.

ā€œWhatā€™s up, Maki? Why are you smiling?ā€

ā€œHuh? Am I?ā€

ā€œMhm. Your cheeks are twitching a little. You only do that whenever youā€™re holding back a smile.ā€

ā€œā€¦You know me quite well, huh?ā€

ā€œOf course, Iā€™m your girlfriend after allā€¦ Actually, it was one of the things that your mom told me about youā€¦ā€

ā€˜One of the thingsā€™, meant there was more that mom told her.

She knew about my habits that I was unaware ofā€¦ I guess Iā€™d never be able to hide anything from her for the rest of my life.

ā€œSo, what are you smiling at?ā€

ā€œUmā€¦ It isnā€™t anything important, reallyā€¦ I was just thinking that this kind of thing was actually quite funā€¦ā€

ā€œI seeā€¦ā€


Of course, being together with everyone wasnā€™t all fun and games, but even so, the memories I made together with them were irreplaceable.

Thanks to them, I managed to learn that.

* * *

After playing in the pool, we went to the amusement park nearby and had a great time playing over there. By the time we finished going on all the rides, from roller coasters to the haunted house, the sun had already set.

Both my energy and wallet were drained, but it was worth it because I had a lot of fun.

Iā€™d probably collapse as soon as I got home.

Rather, I could barely keep myself awake at this point. If I let my guard down, I might doze off and end up at a random station in the middle of nowhere.

We still had to wait for thirty minutes until we could get off at the next station. After that, I still had to escort Umi homeā€¦ Ugh, so many things to doā€¦

ā€œNnā€¦ Makiā€¦ā€

Like me, Umi was also tired. She was leaning on me, muttering my name in her sleep. Actually, almost everyone in our group was asleep except for Amami-san and me.

ā€œHehe, sheā€™s sleeping with her mouth openā€¦ Ah, sheā€™s drooling on your sleeve, Maki-kun.ā€

ā€œIā€™m used to it by now. Usually when we slept together like this, she would get her drool all over meā€¦ Anyway, you arenā€™t sleeping, Amami-san?ā€

ā€œWell, I donā€™t feel that tired, thatā€™s whyā€¦ Also, I want to watch over Umi at times too, you know?ā€

She wiped the drool from Umiā€™s mouth with a handkerchief as she said that. It felt refreshing seeing this scene. Normally, it was Umi who was taking care of her.

ā€œUmi is really cute nowadays~ Well, she was always cute, but ever since she became your girlfriend, sheā€™d gotten even cuter. Did you know that sheā€™d never let me see her sleeping face before?ā€

ā€œIs that so? Since weā€™re on the topic, what was she like back in middle school? I heard stories, but aside from that, I donā€™t know anything about her.ā€

I was talking about before we met, back before she and Amami-san drifted apart.

All I knew about her past was from the stories Sora-san told me. She said that even though she wasnā€™t as pretty as Amami-san, people still looked up to her and she always became the center of the class because she had a knack for leading people. Aside from that, I didnā€™t know anything. Umi would always cut Sora-sanā€™s stories short out of embarrassment.

ā€œBack then, I always thought that Umi was a perfect girl. We were always together and she always knew about everything that I didnā€™t. Iā€™d always wanted to be like her and so I looked up to her a lotā€¦ā€

I knew the story of how they first met. If I were in Amami-sanā€™s shoes I would have thought the same thing as her.

If only things went on well for themā€¦ Actually, if things went well for them, Umi and I would never have met each other as sheā€™d still be in her old school instead of transferring out as soon as she graduated from middle school.

ā€œI see.ā€

ā€œMhm! Ah, of course I still feel the same way about her! Also, I donā€™t blame you for bringing out the normally cool Umiā€™s childish side, so you donā€™t need to worry about that, Maki-kun!ā€

ā€œThe fact that youā€™re pointing that out makes me feel bad more than anythingā€¦ā€

It was true that she had been showing more of her childish side, but said childish side was what charmed Nakamura-san and the others. Also, thanks to that, she was able to make up with Amami-san.

That was why I personally thought that this was how everything should be.

I gently stroked Umiā€™s head. Her body moved a little as she rubbed her face against my arm.

I didnā€™t know what kind of dream she was having, but at least she looked happy.

ā€œIā€™d seen her sleeping face a few times before, but Iā€™d never seen her make such a childish expressionā€¦ Is it because of your petting, Maki-kun?ā€

ā€œI donā€™t knowā€¦ā€

Umi said that whenever she snuggled with me like this, it made her feel at ease.

Honestly, I felt the same way. I guess that made us compatible as a couple, huh?

ā€œI seeā€¦ Ah, I know! Try petting my head a little too, Maki-kun! Maybe I can sleep peacefully like her when you do it to me. Umi and I are best friends after all, so maybe you will have the same effect on me as you do with Umi.ā€

ā€œWhatā€™s with that logic?ā€

Well, we wouldnā€™t know unless we tried. But still, even though she was Umiā€™s best friend, her relationship with me wasnā€™t that deep. Besides, I doubt that sheā€™d feel anything from me.

I believe only Umi, who loved everything about me, would feel anything.

ā€œCā€™mon~ Can you do it for me? I wanna find out~ You donā€™t need to do it for long, just a few seconds will do.ā€

ā€œYou wonā€™t feel anything if it was that shortā€¦ā€

That said, if I were to refuse her strongly, the atmosphere between us would turn awkward. With the other three being asleep, it would be hard for us to recover from that. Should I just pat her a little? I mean, it didnā€™t matter anyway.

ā€œGo ahead~ā€


Following Amami-sanā€™s urging, I brought my hand closer to her head.

Suddenly, a certain scene came to my mind.

ā€œā€¦Sorry, Amami-san, I donā€™t think I can do that.ā€

Just when my fingertips were about to touch her hair, I gave her my rejection and placed my hand on Umiā€™s head again.

Iā€™d lost count of how many times Iā€™d touched her hair. But it always felt so smooth in my hand.

Iā€™d never touched other peopleā€™s hair, but I loved Umiā€™s hair the most. It felt really comfortable.

ā€œUm, Maki-kun?ā€

ā€œSorry, Amami-sanā€¦ I donā€™t think itā€™s appropriate for me to do thatā€¦ No matter how close we are or even as a jokeā€¦ā€

The scene that flashed in my mind was what Umi said to me when we were alone at the pool.

ā€˜When I saw you sticking close to Yuuā€¦ I felt really jealousā€¦ā€™

I imagined myself in Umiā€™s shoes.

Even if she knew that my action had no deeper meaning to it, somewhere in her heart, sheā€™d still feel jealous because of it.

Whatever the reason was, I didnā€™t want to do anything to make Umi jealous.

ā€œI seeā€¦ I guess youā€™re right, Maki-kunā€¦ Iā€™m sorry, I acted out of line againā€¦ Jeez, Iā€™m such an idiotā€¦ā€

ā€œIt isnā€™t your fault, Amami-san. Iā€™m just too self-conscious about this kind of thing. Youā€™re still one of my best friends, Amami-san.ā€

ā€œNo, no, youā€™re right, Maki-kun. Umi and Ninacchi always tell me that thereā€™s a certain distance that has to be kept to someone of the opposite s*xā€¦ Ahahaā€¦ā€

Amami-san let out a wry smile as she apologized to me. I guess that was her way to prevent the atmosphere between us from getting worse.

Sheā€™d probably think Iā€™m overly self-conscious, but that was fine. A small price to pay for making Umi happy.

ā€œUm, Amami-san.ā€

ā€œHm? Yes?~ā€

ā€œUmā€¦ Thank you for inviting me out today. It was tiring, but I had fun playing around with Umi and everyone. It was really fun.ā€

ā€œY-Yes, donā€™t mention it.ā€

Even though I drew a clear line between us, I still felt grateful to Amami-san for everything. I hope that she lets me off with this and weā€™ll stay good friends in the future too. WIth that thought in mind, our summer vacation was gradually coming to an end.

