God of Contracts: Strongest Businessman - C.50 RumbleDec 01, 2023


Thus far, the nobles had refrained from outright antagonism toward the Thornes, opting instead for a wary equilibrium of power... until now.However the situation was more complex than it initially appeared, and the nobles had to carefully consider several factors before taking any action, which made his mission even more crucial. He was personally eager to fulfill his task, driven by a genuine curiosity about this commoner family that had defied the nobility.

Being a noble heir himself, he could discern the extraordinary qualities of this commoner family, unlike his arrogant peers. Despite holding a monopoly on one of the Kingdom's essential resources, they remained independent of the Kingdom's control.

Humans can enhance and cultivate their mana in two ways: by clearing dungeons or by using mana cores.

Clearing dungeons is not a viable long-term solution for most people, except for the impoverished or the average. Wealthier individuals are unlikely to engage in such perilous endeavors on a regular basis. Dungeons are inherently dangerous, and no one can truly master them. Every time a dungeon is cleared, it can reset with new traps, monsters, and layouts. This unpredictability makes dungeon crawling a risky proposition for all but the most desperate individuals seeking strength or wealth.

Mana cores offer a more sustainable approach to mana cultivation. These cores are harvested from monsters, but only those found outside of dungeons. Dungeon monsters do not possess mana cores, as they are believed to be powered by the dungeon core itself.

Since mana cores are only found in 'natural' monsters, hunters must venture into the monsters' wild habitats. The Forbidden Forest, teeming with powerful creatures, is the most promising location for acquiring these valuable cores. The Thorne family, with their strategic base near the Forbidden Forest, has effectively monopolized the mana core trade, especially high-rank mana cores.

So for years now, the Thorne family had been having a near-monopoly on mana cores, an indispensable element of the best way known for humans to cultivate. Anyone with a bit of brain should know that such a monopoly shouldn't be allowed and the official 'excuse' was that as the ones warring against the forest monsters, it's their due to deal with their harvest however they want.

Despite his doubts about the official explanation, he had no choice but to accept it. However, when he was assigned this mission, he was eager to undertake it, hoping to uncover the truth behind the Thornes' remarkable standing.

Their reputation was such that he had to seek permission before visiting, and even then, he was initially rejected without explanation. This left him baffled. He even considered the possibility that they hadn't heard his introduction, so he tried again.

"We are not accepting visitors at this time." He was bluntly turned away, even after identifying himself as an heir to a marquisate.

Such a dismissive response from a commoner or even a minor noble would have resulted in severe consequences for their household. Even other marquis houses would have maintained some level of courtesy and attempted to fabricate a more acceptable reason for denying the visit. The heir couldn't help but assume that the Thorne employee was merely following orders from above. He concluded that the family was in mourning and wished to avoid any disruptions.

The heir was unaware that the Thornes had been receiving very few visits from other noble houses, regardless of their current state of mourning. This was not due to a lack of information on his part; rather, it was a closely guarded secret among high nobles who were unwilling to admit that a commoner family could so blatantly disregard their status. While it was a well-known fact that the Thornes didn't kowtow to the nobility, their disregard for noble courtesies had intensified since Elian's accident. To maintain the illusion of their authority, the nobles discreetly agreed to minimize their interactions with the Thornes, resulting in an unspoken pact to avoid visiting them altogether.

Unfortunately it seemed like Cedric didn't get the memo. As a result, he did not prevent his son Ferran from paying them a visit. The Thornes initially welcomed Ferran, partly due to his father's reputation as a neutral merchant and the Kingdom's leading mana core buyer. Additionally, the unofficial nature of these visits further contributed to the Thornes' acceptance. While many nobles disapproved of Count Cedric's 'betrayal,' none dared to confront him openly. They understood the importance of maintaining relations with the Kingdom's most prominent merchant and were unwilling to risk their own interests for the sake of pride.

Unaware of the underlying dynamics, the young man assumed the rejection was solely due to the family head's passing. However, his mission demanded an in-person visit, and he refused to give up. Instead of resorting to insistence or begging, which he deemed beneath him, he devised a plan to capture their attention. After redialing, he declared in a resolute tone,

"I am Ronald, heir of the Arauho Marquis. I possess information regarding General Marcus' death."


The Thorne employee was rendered speechless. He clearly remembered the young man, as he had just introduced himself five minutes ago during the previous call. Following the instructions he received, he had rejected the visit. Now, confronted with this new information, he was unsure how to proceed. He hesitated, unsure whether the young man was telling the truth or not. Placing the call on hold, he immediately contacted his superior.

"Excuse me, there's a situation I need to bring to your attention, Madam," he said apologetically.

"I'm listening," responded a mature female voice through the phone. Had Elian been present, he would have recognized the voice. The employee proceeded to relay the young man's claim to his superior, omitting no details.

Without hesitation, the superior instructed, "Transfer the call to the young master."

With the exception of Julia and Sylv, no one in the household was aware of Elian's state and as the unofficial head of the house, he was now responsible for handling such matters. As for Julia, the reclusive one, she had always made it clear that she preferred to maintain a distance from any interactions with other living beings.

Fast-forward, Ronald and the other noble followed behind the maid, the air thick with tension after the latter's insensitive remarks. Ronald, feeling uncomfortable, tried to break the silence by pointing to an ornate dragon-like head mounted on the wall.

"Is that a drake?" he asked, hoping to spark a conversation and alleviate the awkwardness. Despite knowing the answer, he aimed to divert attention from the previous unpleasant exchange.

"Indeed," the maid replied curtly, continuing her brisk walk without breaking stride. Her tone conveyed a clear desire to maintain efficiency and avoid unnecessary delays.

The idiot, emerging from his reverie, failed to grasp the subtle cues and blurted out, "Impressive! It seems your reputation is well-earned." As was his tendency, he spoke without much forethought, adding, "Is this from Marcus' hunt?" His reference to Marcus lacked any hint of respect, reflecting a casual disregard for the man.

The maid, who had maintained her composure thus far, couldn't help but pause and turn towards the young noble. With a hint of firmness in her voice, she stated, "Yes, it is. And please refrain from addressing our late master in such a disrespectful manner."

A sly grin spread across the young noble's face as he heard the maid's rebuke. It was evident that his ploy had worked. Just as Ronald had suspected, his presence here was intended to hinder his progress, whatever his ultimate goal may be. And what better way to achieve this objective than by blatantly disrespecting the other party?.

Convinced of his plan's effectiveness, the young noble let out a self-satisfied chuckle, inwardly congratulating himself on his perceived cleverness. However, he remained oblivious to the true reason behind his selection. His arrogance and dismissive attitude towards commoners made him the ideal pawn in a game of manipulation, tasked with disrupting the progress of Ronald.

Unknowingly, his very presence in the Thorne household was a calculated move, designed to provoke the Thornes' ire. His elitist beliefs and condescending demeanor were expected to ruffle feathers, creating an atmosphere of tension and discomfort. And as his actions seemingly achieved the desired effect, he felt emboldened to continue.

"What? You expect me to treat some lowly commoner with respect-" His tone, dripping with disdain, froze as the ominous sky crackled with sudden intensity, an angry growl rolling through the heavens, the sound akin to an angry RUMBLE that reverberated across the sky.

Caught off guard by the thunder's resounding fury, the boy staggered, his facade of arrogance crumbling in the face of nature's wrath. Wide-eyed and stricken with terror, he stood frozen, a chilling realization settling over him like a dark shroud. An impending sense of doom gripped his very being, a primal instinct warning of imminent danger.

Then, before comprehension could fully take hold, a bolt of lightning, thick and fierce, tore through the charged atmosphere. It struck him from behind with unyielding force, the impact launching him to the ground in a violent collision that robbed him of breath. Numbness enveloped his body, an excruciating pain surging through every nerve, rendering him breathless and paralyzed by the sheer might of nature's retaliation. The ominous RUMBLE continued, echoing the ferocity of the heavens' retribution.

Edited by MoonsterDark

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