God of Contracts: Strongest Businessman - C.47 Good newsNov 28, 2023

God of Contracts: Strongest Businessman

C.47 Good newsNov 28, 2023

Drawing a parallel between himself and the virus that was eradicated by the cataclysm, Elian let out a soft chuckle. 'Given our uncanny similarities,' he mused, 'I hope you won't mind if I borrow a page from your book.' With a resolute nod, he added, 'Your legacy will live on.'

Elian couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of the situation. He, a young man who had never strayed far from the familiar confines of the Capital, was now facing a foe of unimaginable vastness ??? the universe itself. The concept of being 'wanted' by the universe was both terrifying and exhilarating. What did it mean, exactly? Would the universe unleash some cosmic catastrophe upon them if they were discovered? Would Elian and El simply cease to exist, or would they meet some bizarre and improbable end, like being struck down by a meteor? Elian had no answers, and he didn't dare dwell on the possibilities for fear of becoming paralyzed with fear. He knew that he couldn't let fear dictate his actions, so he forced himself to focus on the task at hand ??? protecting El.Banishing the intrusive thoughts that threatened to derail his resolve, Elian turned his attention to the enigmatic black book suspended before him. Ark's words resonated within him, emphasizing the book's pivotal role as his unwavering ally in this treacherous quest.

Elian's curiosity piqued, he questioned the enigmatic tome, "How do you operate?" He had already deduced that the book possessed some form of sentience, evidenced by its spontaneous appearance and the manifestation of this contract page. With a glimmer of hope, he inquired, seeking some form of guidance.

His anticipation was swiftly rewarded as a neutral voice, eerily reminiscent of Ark's tone, echoed within his mind, [I am now bound to your service, Master. A mere thought is all that is required to command me].

Elian's composure faltered slightly at the unfamiliar form of address. While he had become accustomed to Lys's use of the term 'Master,' it felt strangely out of place when spoken by another voice. However, he swiftly pushed aside his discomfort, his curiosity about the book taking precedence over any social awkwardness. The book's response had revealed a level of intelligence that extended beyond mere sentience, a degree of semi-sapience that was nothing short of remarkable. While semi-sapient technology was not entirely unheard of, with many techno-crafters capable of creating similarly advanced devices, the compactness of this particular book was truly astounding. Even with mana's potent influence, crafting such a device would typically require a central unit of considerable size, easily occupying half of Elian's room. While alternative methods, such as utilizing Quantaflux, existed, Elian's personal experience had taught him that Quantaflux was no easy material to master.

The fact that this petite book exhibited semi-sapience pointed towards three distinct possibilities. The first was the integration of Quantaflux-like material into its very fabric. Second, the book could be cloud-connected, with its central unit residing within the library. However, this raised the unsettling prospect of Ark monitoring Elian's every move. While the idea of being under constant surveillance was unnerving, Elian had to acknowledge Ark's ownership of the book and his role in saving his life. The third and most intriguing possibility was that the book's capabilities stemmed from pure magic. Mana, the source of all magical power, was still a subject of ongoing research, with new discoveries being made daily. It was not inconceivable that Ark, with his vast knowledge and access to ancient secrets, had harnessed this power to create such a remarkable artifact.

Unable to contain his curiosity, Elian activated his runic eyes and peered intently at the enigmatic book. However, his scrutiny revealed nothing, no intricate runes or hidden symbols. This either indicated that the book lacked any runes or that his eyes were insufficiently advanced to perceive them, further supporting the third possibility ??? magic. The revelation left Elian with a pang of disappointment, as he had gained no further insight.

[Intriguing, the Keeper was indeed correct. You possess a keen intellect, Master. Two of your hypotheses are accurate.]

"Truly?" Elian inquired with a hopeful smile, anticipating more information but,

[I apologize, but I am unable to divulge further details unless you are willing to exchange approximately a hundred billion Karma points.]

Elian's eyelids twitched involuntarily. If the book was unwilling to share more, why had it teased him with such a tantalizing hint? Also what the heck was that price. He didn't even know the currency it mentioned but unless it was worth less than a thousand bronze coins, he couldn't afford it and he was sure that there's no chance it was true. Still, he was intrigued so he asked "What's a karma point?"

[Master, it appears you might not know about this. However, you are acquainted with the notion of Karma, correct? Karma points serve as a tangible representation of Karma's principle-where good deeds yield positive outcomes and bad deeds bring forth negative consequences. Much like Karma being a universal principle, karma points function as a universal currency, quantifying one's karmic equilibrium.]

Elian's surprise was palpable. He had heard tales of karma from cultures long lost to the cataclysm's ravages. Yet, he never imagined such an abstract concept could find practical application in this manner. A question lingered in his mind, however.

"Why do you require Karma points? And why such an exorbitant sum?" Elian inquired, puzzled.

While he had no immediate use for his Karma points, he found it odd that he had to pay for this particular piece of information. After all, the book had freely answered his previous questions without demanding any compensation. Why, then, did this specific query require payment? And why such an astronomical amount?

[The answers I have provided thus far are all considered basic knowledge. Any information beyond that requires a fee. Rest assured, my pricing is equitable, and the amount I quoted reflects the value of the information you seek.]

"Oh?" Elian responded with a contemplative gaze. If the book's words held true, then the third option was undoubtedly the correct one. Only complex magic could warrant such a hefty price tag. After all, no techno-crafted object, regardless of its value, could command such a fortune. However, Elian's immediate concern lay elsewhere.

"What is the extent of knowledge I can purchase?" Elian asked with a hopeful smile. The revelation that he could acquire knowledge through this book was immense. The restrictive Kingdom would never allow him such access due to political constraints.

[Everything. I possess the knowledge of the entire universe at your disposal. This is your privilege as the Keeper's disciple.]

Ark's parting words echoed in Elian's mind as he absorbed this incredible revelation. His legs trembled so intensely that he sank to his knees, his hands clasped over his mouth as his mind grappled with the enormity of this newfound knowledge.


"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Elian erupted into unrestrained laughter, overjoyed to receive such welcome news.


Edited by Moonsterdark

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