Fate Online: Shadow - C.478 Discussion (2)Sep 28, 2023

Fate Online: Shadow

C.478 Discussion (2)Sep 28, 2023

478 Discussion (2)

."Andrew, any news on your side?" asked Alice after everyone had left.

"My informant had given me news that the leaders of each of the six families had gathered in New Bronx City. I guess they are also in the same situation as us and are preparing for the incoming storm. This is also a good chance to eliminate them since their security would certainly be lacking in some areas" Andrew replied with information that he didn't share earlier.

"My men are also prepared to storm the Rothschild Residence. Just give me the signal and I'll immediately tell my people to eliminate the Rothschilds" Compared to her carefree demeanor when Michael first met her, this Maurine right now is oozing with chilling intent.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

While listening to them, Alice seems to be suddenly absent minded since she just kept tapping her fingers on the table in a rhythmic pattern even after the two had already gone silent.

"Alice," Tom softly called out, and Alice immediately turned her eyes towards him.

"I know, and have your men on standby. We'll keep watching for now since Zero seems to want to sit this one out" Alice said with a hint of helplessness at the end.

"Why would he do that? Isn't this a good chance to take a bite out of this huge cake? Or is he afraid of the people from Blood Lion Clan? No, that's even more absurd since he doesn't even put them in his eyes at all" Maurine was so confused with what Alice said that she even answered her own questions.

"It's not any of those. It's about that dastardly son of mine" Alice replied while massaging her temples.

"Michael? What about him?" Andrew said with furrowed eyebrows, clearly confused how Michael was suddenly related to their discussion.

"Did you know that the brat actually got himself involved with The Continental? He's even one of the people involved with Grom and Richard's death! Just how did that brat get himself involved in this muddy waters!?" Alice was clearly infuriated and frustrated, evident in her tone that sounds like she wants to choke Michael out of his life!

Andrew and Maurine looked at each other, and the latter carefully asked, "Yeahhh, we know. Zero sent his file on our desks months ago. Didn't you also get it? Don't tell me you two actually didn't know about this?"

The eyes of Alice slowly widened in shock while her husband, Tom, also had the same reaction, but it was clear from his expression that it was a different reason from Alice.

you're the one managing things coming from Zero, don't tell me you didn't see it!?" Alice turned to her husband with a soft voice. She sounded calm in the beginning, but slowly raised her voice by the end of her words.

"Uhhh, I think I might have seen it, but forgot about it
in the end" Tom replied with dodgy eyes while scratching the back of his head.


"You fool, how could you forget about such an important thing!?"

Alice abruptly stood up from her seat and smacked the back of her husband's head while yelling at him!


"Shut up, good god! How could you forget such an important thing!? That Zero suddenly steering clear of this trouble is clearly doing this on purpose because of son's involvement! Hmmp! If this is how he wants to play, then we'll play! Andrew, release the news that it was The Continental that was behind the death of those two!" Alice said as she turned her towards her sister.

"Will they even believe it?" Maurine asked.

"They don't need to believe. We..no, those families just need a reason to attack The Continental since I know those other four families probably wouldn't like to personally involve themselves in this storm, but if they find out that The Continental that had been remaining "neutral" this entire time were actually the ones who started this shit. Then good lord, those hyenas would certainly take a bite at him. And since they wouldn't be moving alone, it would give them more courage to take revenge. These families are probably the only ones in the world whose hatred for Zero tops the charts since that bastard had killed a lot of their members during his prime" Alice said with a ferocious expression on her quite feminine face, even Tom was quite startled by such a sight since he knows such expression on her means that she's really itching to beat someone.

"Alright, I'll do that. The news will reach everyone's ears in an hour" Maurine replied as she slowly stood up from her seat, followed by her husband.

"We'll take our leave first then" Andrew said with a smile, and shot a look of pity towards Tom as he knows that he'll certainly suffer after they leave.

Tom shot him a look that they should stay, but Andrew quickly turned his away and immediately left the room with his wife like his butt was on fire!

'What a traitorous prick' Tom thought.

"Anna, can you get that file on Michael?" said Alice to their assistant that had been standing obediently behind them all this time.

"Yes ma'am" answered Anna, and soon, following after Andrew and Maurine, she also left, leaving Tom and Alice by themselves.

"Whaat? I didn't know that file was about Michael of all people. I just thought it was just another one of those files where it reports the status of our shares in the organization, and I thought you know about it since you always receive the more important files from the organization"

Under Alice's unending stare, Tom was feeling uncomfortable all over, but held on and still tried to explain his side of things.

Alice just sigh and said, "We'll continue this talk after Michael comes back from his school field trip"

"Alright, they'll be back after three more days" Tom replied with a sigh of relief like his life was just spared from getting executed.

