Demon Lord's Reincarnation - C.660 Nothing will happenOct 01, 2023

Demon Lord's Reincarnation

C.660 Nothing will happenOct 01, 2023

Erste opened his eyes and it was still the familiar ceiling, the familiar room, and the familiar equipment, the only thing different was Erste himself. The always energetic Erste had large puffy eye bags as he hasn't been sleeping well, and his powerful body lay on his bed unmoving.

It has been more than a week since Elena and the others' disappearances. The same as all the other missing people cases, the police had no clue as to what happened. While the police were supposedly doing their best in looking for the missing people, Erste was also going around searching for any clues as to where Elena and others might've been taken to.

Erste had looked everywhere in the city and the neighboring cities but he could not find a shadow of Elena. He was exhausted and he felt horrible, he told Elena no matter what he would find her, he made a promise, but no matter how hard he tried Erste could not do anything at all.

Erste's mother Emma, knocked on the door, and without waiting for a response she entered. Upon entering the first thing she noticed was how dirty her son's room had become, usually, it was always spotless as Erste would regularly clean his room. She then saw her son looking at the ceiling in a daze, seeing him like this made her tear up.

Her son who always had a bright demeanor and a smile that was infectious was now on his bed looking like that. Her son who had so much energy and life was now something akin to the living dead. Seeing her son like this was hard to accept, it made her want to cry, but she knew that she shouldn't do so.

"Son, I know that it's hard for you, I know I told you to always do what you feel is right, and I know I told you that pushing yourself is part of youth... But pushing yourself like this is self-destructive."

Erste did not respond as he continued to look at the ceiling.

"Elena wouldn't want to see you like this, what would she think if she knew that you're running yourself ragged for her?"

Erste continued to remain silent no matter what his mother said, it was as if he truly couldn't hear her words. Seeing her son like this Emma could only sigh. It was a good thing that despite his mental state he was still doing normal things like eating and sleeping. All Emma could do for now was trust that her son could overcome this crisis.

After Emma left the room a few minutes later Erste's father Jeff entered the room. Jeff sat beside Erste and did not say a word. It was quiet in Erste's room only the sound of the ticking clock could be heard. After a few more minutes Jeff sighed and finally talked. šš‹ļ½…ļ½„ļ½Žšš˜ššŸļ½…ļ½Œ.ļ½ƒļ½šš–

"Son, I know that it might not look like it, but I always believed that you could overcome any obstacles. Even though it would seem that I always stop you from doing the things you want to do, I do that because I care about your well-being." Jeff grabbed hold of Erste's hand and squeezed it tightly, still there was no response from Erste.

"I may not fully understand what you're going through, but I also felt despair when I lost my parents when I was near your age. The fear, regret, loneliness, all sorts of dark emotions mixed in, if it weren't for you mother I don't know what would have happened to me, she was my guiding light. I know that Elena must have been something similar to you, but I hope you know that your mother and I are still here."

As Jeff was about to leave Erste got up from his bed and he finally spoke.

"Thank you, Dad... I know that you and Mom are worried about me, but I just can't stop it. Elena is out there waiting for me. I promised to find her no matter what, I promised."

Erste clenched his left chest tightly as he spoke with so much pain in his voice.

"It hurts Dad, it hurts so much. Even as I sleep I could see her full of fear waiting to be rescued, I could hear her voice calling my name asking me to save her. I cannot abandon her."

The more Jeff heard, the more he felt his son's pain.

"Erste, that pain and feeling of powerlessness you feel right now, I've been through that. Even after I met your mother every now and then I would feel anxious, but I learned a trick to help me cope with all those emotions."

"A trick?"

"Yeah, it's nothing special it's just a forceful trick. I simply smile and laugh out loud. No matter what kind of fears or problems I face as long as you keep smiling and laughing it gives me strength to keep on going. I don't know if it will work for you but it's alright to try, right?"

Jeff smiled widely, it was at that moment after hearing what his father told him Erste finally understood a lot of things. The reason why no matter what happens to him his father would always smile and laugh, even when Erste's mother hits him, even when he speaks about serious matters, no matter what there was a smile on his father's face.

'I see...'

A smile appeared on Erste's face, then he and his father started laughing loudly. Even though he was smiling and laughing there were tears in Erste's eyes, but for some reason, he was actually feeling better.

"Thanks dad."

"Anytime son, me and your mother are always here for you."

"Thanks." The smile on Erste's face changed.

"Once you're ready come down and eat." After saying his piece Jeff left the room. After his father left Erste was once again reignited with a passion.

'Yeah moping around doesn't help me or anybody, just giving up and wallowing in despair affects not only me and everyone around me. So all I need to do now is keep on moving forward, surely someday I will be able to find you, Elena.'

Erste stood up and clenched his fist as he made a vow to himself to find Elena, the find the truth.

