Chasing You Like a Tenacious Falcon - C.49: The Vigorous Vitality Born to the Sun

Chasing You Like a Tenacious Falcon

C.49: The Vigorous Vitality Born to the Sun

Quan Zhisui stretched for a full half hour, pulling muscles and joints, pressing extremely hard until her tendons were completely soft and her bones totally relaxed.

The other girls stopped paying attention because she stretched for so long, just repeating the same few moves endlessly, pressing and pulling without stopping.

They chatted idly nearby as the roll call began and Quan Zhisui started taking off her jacket. The girls hurried over to help her with her clothes.

But then a hand reached out, "Don't touch my clothes."

The camouflage jacket was taken away, along with Quan Zhisui's school uniform pants.

The girls' expressions froze in shock as they glanced at Wei Shixu, then back at Quan Zhisui.

Quan Zhisui's jacket was Wei Shixu's?

Wei Shixu's?!

Zhou Chun tugged at his sleeve. He had been so angry he threw away the whole jacket, but now he gave his own jacket to Quan Zhisui to wear?

You two definitely aren't dating!

But before they could get over their shock, they were dumbfounded again as they looked to the side.

Quan Zhisui was now wearing shorts and a sleeveless top, revealing limbs she didn't often show in public.

She was tall and thin like a bamboo pole in clothes.

But taking them off--

My god!

What an amazing figure!

Especially as she tried a starting position, arms straight with exertion, the tendons at her wrists stretched taut, tightening all the muscles in her arms.

And her legs!

She rarely wore shorts above her knees, revealing remarkably long achilles tendons.

Quan Zhisui's achilles tendons were so long, making her calves ruler straight and terrifyingly unnatural.

Further up were her powerful thighs.

The lines were amazing!


One girl lifted her head and yelled, "Ah! My nose is bleeding!"

More confusion and chaos ensued.

Quan Zhisui was very puzzled. How could anyone get a nosebleed?

It wasn't even a hot day!

Luckily she only tried the position briefly before standing properly again, or more girls might have had nosebleeds.

An inner martial arts characteristic is that when relaxed, the practitioner is no different from ordinary people. Quan Zhisui's relaxed state didn't reveal anything.

Not far away, Wei Shixu stood motionless, unable to take his eyes off her.

He had seen her forearms that first day in the cafeteria, but it was his first time seeing her calves.

At a glance he estimated her achilles tendons were 22 cm long.

This was terrifying!

She wasn't very tall, and was female, yet had world-class athlete-level achilles tendons!

How high could she jump? Could she jump a whole floor?

She could definitely dunk.

Wei Shixu's thoughts ran wild as he really wanted to see.

Quan Zhisui put on her participant number 0149, then went to the track and got in the starting position.

Next to her was Ling Ruoyun from Class 9, number 0930. She wore professional athletic clothes and shoes. Nearly 1.73 meters tall, she hopped and jumped in place.

"Ling Ruoyun! Go for it! Ling Ruoyun! Go for it!"

There was already cheering before they even started running.

Ling Ruoyun raised her hand high and waved brightly and confidently, "Leave the school sports meet to me!"

She was a sports specialty student, a national level 2 athlete.

The teacher signaled to get ready. The contestants all got in starting position with hands on the ground.

Ling Ruoyun was no exception, feeling no pressure since she was the only sports specialty student among competitors.

She was guaranteed to win!

Until she casually glanced over and saw Quan Zhisui next to her.

Ling Ruoyun: "!!!"

First she was drawn to Quan Zhisui's hand backs pressed to the ground, then inevitably looked at her wrists, forearms, and shoulders, before hurriedly checking out Quan Zhisui's lower body.

Seeing those sculpted thigh muscles and terrifying achilles tendon length, Ling Ruoyun was already scared silly.

Where did this monster come from?!

Just then the starting pistol sounded.



Quan Zhisui shot forward!

Yes, shot!

With 22 cm achilles tendons, her calves had extremely strong jumping power. She had already secretly exerted force in starting position, then launched like a cannonball the instant the gun sounded!

Ling Ruoyun only felt a 'whoosh' as the 0149 competitor pulled far ahead.

Moreover, startled by her earlier, Ling Ruoyun's emotions were unstable and she reacted a beat late at the start. Usually she would be calm, able to catch up a second behind others.

But now there was a monster in the competition...

This was a long distance run, but Quan Zhisui ran it like a sprint, sprinting at full power the entire way!

17 years of martial arts left her muscles and tendons incredibly strong, driving her forward powerfully without fading, energy continually exploding to the max!

She ran faster and faster, faster and faster!

Overflowing with vigorous vitality facing the sun!!

Wei Shixu's gaze uncontrollably fixed on her, following her.

She was now a beautiful sight on the track, shocking everyone.

At this moment Wei Shixu finally understood what Quan Zhisui was like.

She was a tornado!

Sweeping through the sky, also sweeping through his inner world, devastatingly stirring it upside down!

Then rebooting! Forced reboot!

The Class 9 girls cheered desperately for Ling Ruoyun. The Class 1 girls lacked momentum at first, but seeing Quan Zhisui far in the lead,

they went wild! Their cheering drowned out Class 9!

"Quan Zhisui! Go for it!"

"Ahhh! Quan Zhisui!!!"

"Quan Zhisui ah!!!!"

They went crazy, screaming wildly, scaring several boys nearby.

Wei Shixu even backed off several meters, covering his ears.

He used to think the girls in his class were pretty quiet...

At the same time, the freshmen were also shouting.

Zuo Zichen didn't know why Wei Shixu suddenly told him to 'get lost' and not come near. He didn't dare provoke Wei Shixu, but he still had to cheer for Quan Zhisui!

Otherwise she might beat him up!

So he could only lead his lackeys in cheering Quan Zhisui from the other side. f𝗿e𝗲𝘄𝗲bn𝐨𝚟𝚎

"Sis! Go for it!!!"

"Quan sis, go for it! Kill it!"

"Quan sis is this badass? Damn!"

"Quan sis is too fierce!"

"Quan sis kill kill kill!"


Athletes have extraordinary competitive spirit. Ling Ruoyun reacted half a beat slow at the start, so she went all out trying to catch up!

But number 0149 was a total monster, sprinting the long distance run like a short sprint at full power the entire way!

Ling Ruoyun ran until she nearly spit blood trying to catch up!

As expected, Quan Zhisui took first place by a wide margin, not only leading the other runners by half a lap, but also beating the sports specialty student Ling Ruoyun by over 10 meters!

When Ling Ruoyun came in second, she nearly had a mental collapse. She really didn't need to push herself this hard in past school sports meets.

She didn't expect there was someone like this hidden in the school. How come she'd never heard of her before?

Meanwhile, Quan Zhisui was surrounded by the Class 1 girls, shrieking and handing her towels.

The Class 9 girls also hurried over to give Ling Ruoyun things.

Ling Ruoyun was tall and peered over the girls' heads toward Class 1.

Was she imagining things? Why did she feel like number 0149 wasn't tired at all?

