Chasing You Like a Tenacious Falcon - C.39: Kwon Ji-Jae is Dating Two Men

Chasing You Like a Tenacious Falcon

C.39: Kwon Ji-Jae is Dating Two Men

Quan Zhisui listened very attentively in class, and she no longer had that confused, listening-to-gibberish feeling she did on the first day. She gradually caught up with the other students' progress.

When it was almost time for class to end, the atmosphere in the classroom felt a little strange.

Quan Zhisui felt like many people were sneaking glances at her, their eyes different than usual.

Kong Mingze was still snoring away. As soon as the bell rang to end class, he lazily stretched and stood up, "Wei Shixu, let's go eat!"

Wei Shixu declined him, "You go eat by yourself."

Kong Mingze didn't always have to cling to Wei Shixu. When Wei Shixu was in a normal mood, Kong Mingze would go off and do his own thing.

As usual, Zhuge Ying came to find Quan Zhisui so they could walk out of the classroom together, side by side.

Zhuge Ying furrowed her brows and spoke, "Zhisui?"

Quan Zhisui replied, "Hmm?"

Zhuge Ying asked vaguely, "What's going on with Zuo Zichen?"

Quan Zhisui answered succinctly, "That brat? Nothing much, I beat him up."

Zhuge Ying let out a sigh of relief, "Good."

These past few days, Zhao Lin had been diligently driving to pick up and drop off the young miss. After the young miss got in the car, he would drive smoothly towards that corner.

But at that moment, Quan Zhisui's phone rang. It was a call from Zuo Zichen.

His voice was hesitant, "Sis, today I'm going to eat with some friends outside, I won't be going home with you."

"Oh," Quan Zhisui didn't ask anything else before hanging up.

Zuo Zichen had behaved himself for a few days, but after all, behaving wasn't in his nature. He had always liked messing around outside, smoking, drinking, and fighting with a bunch of bad friends. Now that his hand was better, he probably couldn't sit still.

As long as he didn't act shamefully in front of her, Quan Zhisui didn't care what he did.

Once Quan Zhisui had a goal, she would devote herself fully to achieving it. Right now, her mind was completely focused on studying. She would go home, eat dinner, then keep studying. She was truly the most hardworking person in the Zuo family.

Of course, except for studying, the pranks didn't stop.


The next day, as usual, Quan Zhisui brought Zuo Zichen along to knock on the door. But this time, she didn't go up to the front door, instead standing at the bottom of the stairs directing.

Today she was using a different tactic.

Knock knock! Bang!

Zuo Zichen was like a merciless door-banging machine.

Zuo Zhiyu quickly opened the door. Seeing it was Zuo Zichen, he relaxed and didn't bother greeting him before trying to close the door and go back to sleep.

But who knew...

"Dad!!!" Zuo Zichen suddenly shouted loudly.

Zuo Zhiyu jerked in fright. When he looked back at Zuo Zichen, his face was full of disbelief.

Following Quan Zhisui's instructions, Zuo Zichen started yelling, "Why do you only say good morning to Quan Zhisui and not to me?! Don't you love me anymore?!"

Zuo Zhiyu: "..."

Xu Zhiyi also came over after hearing the commotion. She stood at the door, dumbfounded.

Zuo Zichen angrily roared, "I want a good morning from Dad and Mom too!"

Zuo Zhiyu was yelled at until his ears were nearly deaf. He hurriedly tried to placate Zuo Zichen, "Good morning, good morning."

Zuo Zichen whipped his head around to look at Xu Zhiyi.

Xu Zhiyi: "...Good morning, son."

They both thought something was wrong with Zuo Zichen's brain.

Zuo Zichen actually felt like crying. He felt like he was a puppet being controlled. Wherever Quan Zhisui directed, he had to hit.

Although he was spoiled at home, he didn't dare act recklessly either!

What if his parents cut off his allowance? How would he survive?

Every morning, the three took turns suffering while only Quan Zhisui was happy.


During morning self-study.

Once again, Quan Zhisui noticed the strange atmosphere in the classroom. This time, not only were her classmates sneaking glances at her, they were also whispering to each other.

What was going on? Was it because she had been walking too close to Wei Shixu these past few days?

Wei Shixu seemed to be an influential figure in the class. Just him taking the initiative to say a few words to someone could become gossip, let alone him tutoring Quan Zhisui.

Rumors had long been flying around the school!

So Quan Zhisui took out the earplugs Zuo Zichen had given her, blocking out all distractions!

But as soon as the morning reading class ended, Zhuge Ying dragged Quan Zhisui to a corner.

"Zhisui! Quick, tell me what's going on between you and Zuo Zichen?" She looked flustered, seemingly incredulous.

Quan Zhisui was confused, "I beat him up, what's wrong with him? I can still beat him up."

Zhuge Ying urged, "No, not that! Take out your phone and look at the videos and photos in the class group!"

Quan Zhisui took out her silenced phone and tapped open the group chat.

There were many photos, all high definition.

There were shots of her and Zuo Zichen walking together from behind, with Zuo Zichen following behind her like a little attendant, holding shopping bags.

There were also photos of Zuo Zichen riding in the same car as her every day. The photos clearly showed the same car, with the same model and license plate number.

And there was an even more damning video.

The video showed Zuo Zichen getting out of the car at the roadside. He respectfully said to her, "See you tonight." It also showed her sitting arrogantly in the back row of the car.

It made Zuo Zichen look like a fawning admirer.

Quan Zhisui: "Oh..."

Zhuge Ying looked astonished, "How do you end up going to and from school together with Zuo Zichen every day? How are you even riding in the same car? Isn't that Zuo Zichen's family car?"

It was rare for her to ask so many questions in a row like this.

Quan Zhisui: "Oh...I thought you knew!"

Zhuge Ying was going crazy, "Knew what?! Do you even know what's being spread around the school?!"

Quan Zhisui: "What's being spread?"

Zhuge Ying couldn't even say it out, she lowered her voice in exasperation, "They're saying you and Zuo Zichen are living together! Living together!!!"

Quan Zhisui: "I do live with him, he lives next door to me."

Zhuge Ying: "???"

Quan Zhisui: "He's my half-brother, I thought Kong Mingze would have told you."

At the time, only Wei Shixu and Kong Mingze were present when she said it. She didn't expect both of them to be so tight-lipped that they didn't gossip about a classmate's private matters to others.

How touching.

Zhuge Ying was dumbfounded. She didn't expect this to be the case. But she also instantly relaxed, patting her chest several times.

"Fuck! You scared me to death!" She even cursed.

Quan Zhisui looked at the video and photos again, "Who spread this? How tasteless."

Zhuge Ying angrily said, "I'll report this to the teacher for a thorough investigation!"


When Quan Zhisui was pulled away by Zhuge Ying, Wei Shixu who was still in the classroom was also questioned by classmates.

"Wei Shixu, did you see the video and photos in the group?"

"Hurry look, it's gone viral!"

"Quan Zhisui walks so close to you every day, but how is she riding Zuo Zichen's car?"

"Are you being deceived since you live on campus and don't know the situation?"

Wei Shixu looked at them with an amused smile, "Do you think I'm dating Quan Zhisui?"

They were stunned.

"Isn't that right?"

"You two...seem like it!"

"But Quan Zhisui is playing both sides, being lovey-dovey with you in class, then after school riding home with Zuo Zichen. She even said see you tonight. Could they be living together?"

Wei Shixu smiled meaningfully, "Oh...lovey-dovey..."

Everyone: "???"

You've got romance on the brain!

It was hopeless, they couldn't advise him out of it. Wei Shixu was a willing victim.

