Becoming a Wizard by Starting From the Mind Closure Technique - C.280 - 62: A Young Man Arrives at the Potion Department_2

Becoming a Wizard by Starting From the Mind Closure Technique

C.280 - 62: A Young Man Arrives at the Potion Department_2

Chapter 280: Chapter 62: A Young Man Arrives at the Potion Department_2

A high-rise building that’s specifically painted white on the exterior, sitting notably next to an unattractive low-rise building of dung yellow hue.

An askew sign is tacked outside the low-rise building gate, inscribed with the word “Potion Department”.

“This is your workplace. Take this and go report to old Morpheus, the Head of the Potion Department,” a frivolous man stepped off the vehicle, and handed Link a sealed appointment letter. Before walking off, he finally introduced himself, “lam Assad Kenneth, hope you enjoy working here, hehehe…”

As the off- road vehicle sped away, Link was left standing alone, the echo of Assad Kenneth’s eerie laughter reverberating in his ears.

It sort of felt like schadenfreude, as if he was there to watch some sort of show.

Could there be something wrong with the Potion Department?

Link glanced at the ostentatious white skyscraper in the distance, then at the bland low- rise building of a dung yellow hue, along with its crooked door sign.

Very peculiar indeed.

He braced himself for any potential eccentric leaders.

Regardless, it was crucial to report first, the job comes next.

Link walked into the Potion Department with his bag.

The lobby was devoid of any person.

There existed a layout map and a guide placard hung across the entrance wall.

After checking the map to find the Head’s Office, Link strode towards it, undeterred by the anonymous looks trailing him.

Knock, knock, knock…

Gently rapping the door, Link was startled by the loudness of the knock.

“Come in.”

A voice, as large as a bell, echoed from inside the room.

Almost as loud as the aggressive music Assad Kenneth had blasted during their drive.

Leaving a vibrating sensation in one’s ears.

Link pushed the door open and entered.

The office was neither spacious nor small, perhaps around twenty square meters.

The arrangement was simple: two file cabinets, an office desk, a “sofa” for guests, and a few potted plants.

Seated behind the office desk was an old man, with a scar-ridden face and only one ear left.

His back rigidly upright, his bright eyes were fixed on the incoming Link, projecting a compelling aura that demanded respect.

This aura reminded Link of a soldier more than it did of a wizard.

After placing his luggage down at the door, Link walked unhurriedly over to the office desk and delivered the appointment letter with both hands. He then declared loudly, “Reporting in, Link Grande, as ordered.”


Apparently pleased with Link’s style of greeting, the old man retracted his overwhelming presence, hummed an affirmation, and then began to read the appointment letter.

Before long, the old man put down the letter and turned his eyes towards Link. He boomed, “I’m aware of your circumstances and there’s no issue with the human resources arrangement. I’ll issue you a slip. You will collect your supplies, settle your accommodation, and be on standby to assume your position.”

“Thankyou, Head.”

Link responded heartily.

With a stroke, the old man jotted down a few lines, signed his name, and stamped a private seal.

In no time, a pass containing verifiable information was conjured.

“I only assumed office yesterday as well. I hope we will work well together.”

As he handed over the pass to Link, the old man advised him with sincerity. He then waved a hand, uttering, “Off you go.”


Now in possession of the pass, holding his bag, Link left the Head’s office for the logistics office, as stated on the pass.

The office layout was imprinted certainly in his mind, leaving no mistake.

The logistics office was easy to locate.

The administrative process went smoothly, without the slightest hitch.

The logistics team, which consisted of only five members, assigned one person specifically to guide Link to his individually arranged dormitory.

Hmm…all the logistics team members are wizard apprentices.

This made Link curious.

He stored away this information for future reference.

The low-rise Potion Department building seemed trivial but covered an expansive area.

Exiting the back door and crossing a small courtyard led to the residential zone.

It consisted of similar low-rise buildings with a dung-yellow exterior, in tune with the barren yellow landscape of the Desolate World.

From any perspective, whether overlooking from above or at ground level, it was entirely unremarkable.

Its unnoticeable status was something Link appreciated.

Because being invisible means that in case of emergencies, they would be less likely to be noticed and targeted.

Upon reaching the dormitory, he declined any assistance from the logistics team member.

Link tidied up his dormitory himself and seated himself at the desk. He began to review all his experiences upon his arrival in this Desolate World. ƒreewebɳ

He indeed uncovered an issue.

This Desolate World was a dead world.

As the rear base for the frontline battlefield of Wizard Palo, it was responsible for logistic supplies, Army rest, and collection and distribution of personnel and supplies.

By custom, the Medical Department is at the frontline, and the Potion Department is at the rear.

Therefore, the Potion Department was set up here.

Based on the needs of the Medical Department, the Potion Department was in charge of research and concoction of various potions to supply the needs of the army.

Wizard Palo had been on the expedition for a long time, it was impossible that there was no activity going on.

No matter how strong the army was, casualties were inevitable.

Logically speaking, the Potion Department should be extremely busy at this time.

Materials processing, potion research and development, potion concoction, even without working constantly, these three major areas should all be non-stop functioning.

However, at a single glance, what Link saw was leisure everywhere.

This was irrational.

There must be an issue.

Foll𝑜w current novℯls on ƒrēewebnoѵёl.cσm.

Clearly, there was tension between the frontline Medical Department and the Potion Department located at the rear!

Fortunately, Link’s role was in potion research and development, a technical position that didn’t require any direct interaction with the Medical Department at the forefront.

This let Link breathe a sigh of relief.

At least he didn’t have to confront the tension directly.

Having contemplated and settled on his course of action, Link didn’t linger in his dormitory and instead headed towards the office area for the Potion Development Team.

