Becoming a Wizard by Starting From the Mind Closure Technique - C.128 - 6 Side by Side_l


Chapter 128: Chapter 6 Side by Side_l

Translator: 549690339 |

You can know a person by their appearance, but not their heart.

Link wouldn’ t trust Elise Clark just because her attitude changed abruptly.

As mentioned before, Link took into account his relationship with the Serene Wizard and the fact that he didn’t want someone with unpredictable behaviors and well-equipped to keep a close eye on him. That’s why he chose to form a team.

What more could she do when under his watchful eyes?

At most, she could reveal his whereabouts.

But even if they didn’t team up, with the Bionic Eagle, Elise Clark could still find him.

If she wanted to leak Link’s whereabouts and set up an ambush, it made no difference whether they teamed up or not.

Moreover, if Elise Clark harbored ill-intent towards Link, she wouldn’t have made such a farcical entrance. 𝗳r𝚎𝐞w𝐞𝚋𝗻𝗼vel.𝗰o𝐦

She could have carefully designed a better way to gain Link’s trust.

Now that they were a team, Link, of course, wouldn’t show too much caution or alienation on the surface.

“Shall we divide the tasks?”

Link sought for Elise Clark’s opinion.

“Yes, sure.”

Elise Clark raised both hands in agreement.

Anyway, she didn’t really care about the outcome of the competition in the two districts, seeing it as a kind of entertainment.

After unexpectedly finding Link Grande, reminded of the fun from the conversations between the Serene Wizard and her sister, as well as the bet between Wizard Palo, Peter, and Wizard Lionel, she decided to join Link Grande’s team to get a close look at the game.

Now that they had teamed up successfully, the next step was to cooperate with each other as much as possible.

So she could keep up until the two sides openly fought fiercely because of the bet.

The thought of a 12 vs 279 battle was exciting.

“Your Bionic Eagle will be responsible for wide-range reconnaissance from high in the sky. My four reconnaissance puppets will be responsible for close-range vigilance. What do you think?”

Link proposed his idea, waiting for Elise Clark’s response.

“No problem.”

Without a second thought, Elise Clark agreed.

She even proactively suggested, “Do you want me to give you control of the Bionic Eagle?”

“No need. Even if one person can control so many tools, they wouldn’t be able to control them well and it would affect reconnaissance efficiency.”

Link declined, making an excuse.

Even so, his reconnaissance system was complete.

It wasn’t that he couldn’t, but that he didn’t want to.

Who would rob their teammate once they have teamed up?


Elise Clark, not bothered by Link’s refusal, quickly accepted.

“If we encounter sudden battles, how will we divide our duties? Who will lead? I would like to hear your thoughts.”

Link questioned again.

This point was very important, very important indeed.

Being a team naturally meant cooperating with each other, and precise division of labor was a prerequisite.

Elise Clark thought for a moment and then seriously said, “I’m good at high- altitude attacks and dive bombings.”

As she spoke, she patted the small bag around her waist, “I’ve brought a lot of Self-Destructing Fire Thunders, Remote-Controlled Fire Thunders, and Guided Fire Thunders.”

Link’s gaze followed Elise Clark’s actions, turning to the inconspicuous little bag.

He had noticed the little bag a while ago, but didn’t expect it to be a Storage Magic Tool!

For the Storage Magic Tool, Link had long coveted it and had once looked up relevant information.

About the principles of production, operating, whether it could still be used normally after inter-dimensional teleportation, etc, Link had no idea.

All he knew was that the Storage Magic Tool was extremely precious.

Sharia, Tina, and Ayla, three official wizards who had just graduated from the Senior Division, were not equipped with a Storage Magic Tool.

Link had only seen it from Wizard Palo, the Serene Wizard, Wizard Cody and the friendly Lokan Wizard.

Rich lolis are indeed the most lavish!

With a sigh in his heart, Link said, “I’m better at frontal assaults and defensive counterattacks.”


Elise Clark was confused.

Frontal assaults and defensive counterattacks were completely different combat styles.

She was curious about how Link Grande could combine the two.

But it wasn’t the time for detailed inquiries, so Elise Clark didn’t dig into it and simply said, “Then I will follow your command.”


Link immediately agreed.

He wouldn’t have given up the team’s command anyway.

After making a preliminary division of labor, the two of them didn’t stay in the original place and started to move.

Elise Clark didn’t have a specific target, and she really followed Link’s command, even without a battle happening.

Therefore, the direction they headed was still towards where Jasmine was.

They stopped from time to time to gather samples and make specimens.

This was a requirement proposed by Link.

Elise Clark didn’t disagree, nor did she do it perfunctorily. She was serious about her work.

“What do you think of the main and secondary tasks?”

During another break, Link divided his attention between collecting samples, keeping an eye on the reconnaissance puppets’ investigation results, and asking this question.

“I’m fine with either, I don’t have any particular opinion.”

Elise Clark spread the carcass of a butterfly-like creature, and practiced the Water System witchcraft technique to dry it. Then she carefully put the dried specimen on the tablet, fixing it and sticking a label.

On the label was the name of the specimen, the place and time of collection.

What she was doing was a secondary task, right?

As for the main task, let’s let it be.

Link sensed Elise Clark’s indifferent attitude.

Combined with his observations, he tentatively concluded that this was her true attitude and that Elise Clark might be a casual person.

Such people are driven by happiness and pleasure, are capable of putting forth many efforts just for amusement.

However, if she really needs to work hard to advance and strive for a better future, she might not respond as enthusiastically.

Link’s question was somewhat superfluous.

After some thought, Link decided to remain self-centered. He would not ask for others’ opinions unless it was something essential.

Asking others was pointless.

He estimated the time he had spent from entering this world, starting action, till now.

According to the flow rate before entering the Inter-Dimensional Teleportation Portal, it should have already been more than four hours.

He could now consider finding a place to eat and replenish much-needed nutrients and energy.

While traveling in the wild, water and food are two essential things that one needs to pay close attention to.

Without food and water, people could die.

In Link’s backpack, he had carried some dry rations – the kind where one biscuit could fill the stomach.

As for water, they basically didn’t run out of it because of the Purification Water Spell.

“Let’s take a break, drink some water, eat something.”

Choosing the lee side of a small mound, Link put down his backpack.”

He took out a cup from the side pocket of the backpack. With a thought, the secondary Misty Rain Technique was performed.

A stream of water appeared out of thin air above the cup, neatly pouring into it by tracing a beautiful arc, just like pouring tea from a teapot.

Then, Link cast a Purification Water Spell.

The Purification Water Spell worked like a filter, spreading out at the mouth of the cup.

Pure water filled the cup, while slight impurities were left outside.

The two spells were cast and, apart from the brief time it took to cast them, the overall process was quite ordinary, wholesome and unadorned.

However, seeing this, Elise Clark, who had taken out a small stool from her waist bag and prepared to sit down and rest, almost dropped her jaw in surprise.

“Thi… thi… this…”

She pointed to Link’s cup, stuttering, and finally managed to utter a coherent sentence, “How did you do this?”

The short spell-casting process was nothing special; as long as one practiced a certain spell frequently, and raised its mastery to a perfect level, it could be achieved.

The reason why Elise Clark was surprised is simple.

She recognized that the water stream was formed by the secondary Misty Rain Technique, which she also knew how to cast. So, she was fully aware of the difficulty in forming a separate water stream and controlling the flow rate accurately.

Link jokingly quoted an in-joke only he understood: “It is just a matter of practice.”

Of course, translated into the language of the Wizard World, “just a matter of practice” becomes “the more you practice, the more skilled you become.”

Elise Clark didn’ t believe it.

She turned her back and rolled her eyes, saying in a murmur, “If you don’t want to tell, then don’t. Why lie?”

Link didn’t react to her words, which was an oft-used tactic by Jasmine.

The mastery level of witchcraft was divided into Beginner, Skilled, Proficient, Perfect, and Breakthrough, this wasn’t a standard unique to Link.

This method of division has long been prevalent in the Wizard World.

The secondary Misty Rain Technique isn’t a special kind of witchcraft. Showing a level of Breakthrough isn’t something worth being surprised about.

Elise Clark even openly showed her Storage Magic Tool.

Link just didn’t want to talk much about how he found the opportunity to break through the secondary Misty Rain Technique from the Perfect level to the Breakthrough level.


Everyone knows that there are some scenes in life where water lines often appear in parabolic shapes.

Like tap water, or pouring tea.

And like… going to the bathroom, for example.

Can Link lie that he was inspired by other scenes, then share the experience with others? Is that feasible?

Not feasible!

Sharing such inspiration isn’t like talking about math, where 1 is 1 and 2 is 2.

Without recreating the scenario, how can one share their understanding of the situation?

If he really has to explain, does it mean that Link has to publicly perform such acts?

Link shook his head and laughed, removing this somewhat absurd image from his mind.

“Take this, rehydrate yourself.”

He took out another clean cup that hadn’t been used, divided half of the purified water, and handed it to Elise Clark.

“Thank you.”

Elise Clark turned around and took the cup. She cast a Wood System detoxification spell in front of Link without any hesitation.

Seeing no abnormal reaction in the purified water, she slowly began to sip.

Link didn’t mind.

If he were to eat or drink something from Elise Clark, he would do the same and test if it was poisoned.

When outside, having extra precautions is a good thing.

“Someone’s coming!”

While drinking water, Elise.Clark suddenly sounded the alarm.

She took out a smart brain from her bag, tapped a few times on the screen, bringing up the images captured by the Bionic Eagle from the sky.

She saw a three-person group searching and advancing towards them from the 9 o’clock direction. They were moving quite fast.

Elise Clark enlarged the faces for a closer look.

Link, while arranging the deployment of Four Scouting Puppets, glanced at the smart brain screen and furrowed his brows slightly.

These three were also local apprentices from the North District.

At that moment, Elise Clark looked meaningfully at Link, “There’s good news and bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?”

“Good first, then bad.”

Link poured the remaining water from the two cups, picked up a great weapon from his backpack, and confirmed that the items on the “Defender 3202” suit belt could be easily retrieved.

“The good news is that I know them, the bad news is…”

Elise Clark put away the stool, also prepared for combat, while saying with a prolonged tone, “They all belong to the ‘Pure Blood Volition,’ and likely came for you.”

Obviously, Elise Clark had a deep understanding of the “Pure Blood Volition” members. She quickly determined that the other party had already found Link’s location, hence the reason they were approaching so quickly.

Having seen Elise Clark’s Bionic Eagle and Storage Magic Tool, Link had been mentally prepared to be discovered by others.

For the local apprentices from the North District, money came too easily, unlike the impoverished Southern Region Storm Sea New Blood.

Isn’t a magic tool something they could buy as they please?

